e Curia

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The EDP application e-Curia enables procedural documents to be submitted and served electronically to the three courts that make up the Court of Justice of the European Union under precisely defined conditions.

The documents brought in can also be viewed by the e-Curia.

e-Curia was activated in November 2011 and, as of December 1, 2018, there is a mandatory electronic exchange of procedural documents via e-Curia both for the representatives of the parties among themselves and for correspondence with the European Court of Justice or the General Court.

Reasons for introducing e-Curia

The EDP application e-Curia was created in order to take into account the progressive development of communication technologies also in the context of the proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Formal effect of written documents

Procedural documents and attachments submitted via e-Curia are deemed to be originals , provided that they are submitted when they are submitted

has been used.

This identification process in the context of the e-Curia application counts as the signature of the relevant document. No further signature of the submitted documents or attachments is required. It is not necessary to submit further certified copies of the document submitted via e-Curia and any attachments (e.g. for other parties to the proceedings).

A procedural document is deemed to have been received at the local time of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (see the rules of procedure of the courts). Procedural documents brought in, including judgments and decisions, can be served on the representatives of the parties, the Union member states , the other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area and the institutions, bodies or other agencies of the European Union via e-Curia. The prerequisite for this is that they have expressly agreed to this form of delivery or have chosen this form of delivery themselves.

Using e-Curia in Practice

The use of the EDP application e-Curia requires the use of a personal user ID and a personal password.

The opening of an access account by the office of one of the courts that make up the Court of Justice of the European Union also applies to the offices of the other two courts.

E-Curia makes that possible

  • Filing of procedural documents
  • Receipt of deliveries
  • Inspection of the progress of submissions and deliveries
  • Manage personal information and designate assistants

The procedural documents must be submitted in Portable Document Format (images and text) and must not exceed 30 MB per shipment .

An access account that is not used by the authorized person for three years is automatically deactivated.


Access to e-Curia is free of charge.

Introduction of e-Curia

The introduction of e-Curia in the three courts that make up the Court of Justice of the European Union was made by decision.


The ECJ By order of the Court of 13 September 2011 concerning the filing and service of procedural documents by means of computer e-Curia (000/2011 /), and based on the rules of procedure, in particular Article 37 § 7 and 79 § 3 this EDP application in principle enables.


The Court (of First Instance) has drawn on its rules of procedure, in particular the Article 43 § 7 and § 100 3 passed a resolution on September 14th 2011, to allow a computer application called "e-Curia" in his court.

Civil Service Tribunal

In accordance with the decision of the Civil Service Tribunal No. 3/2011 of September 20, 2011 on the filing and service of procedural documents by way of the e-Curia application (OJ 2011 / C 289/08), procedural documents can be submitted under the The requirements stipulated in the resolution are submitted and delivered electronically.

Application for opening an access account

By means of an electronic form, beneficiaries (authorized lawyers and representatives of the Union Member States) can apply to open an account with the Court of Justice. To do this, the form must be completed in full, printed out, signed and sent back to the Court of Justice by post along with the required supporting documents (copy of passport / identity card and certificate of legitimation / lawyer’s ID ).

Processing an application regularly takes a few days. The applicant will be informed of the next steps by email.

Web links to e-Curia

Civil Service Tribunal

Access to e-Curia


  1. PRESS RELEASE No. 157/18 Luxembourg by the Court of Justice of the European Union of October 17, 2018.
  2. This time is displayed on all e-Curia screens.
  3. The e-Curia user will be notified by email or when logging into e-Curia when a new procedural document is available. After receipt of a corresponding e-mail, a procedural document is deemed to have been served on the seventh day.
  4. According to "REQUIREMENTS FOR USING THE E-CURIA APPLICATION" at the three EU courts, the password must be changed the first time you log in and then every six months.
  5. These are automatically encrypted during transmission.
  6. Art 37 § 7 Rules of Procedure EuGH: Without prejudice to §§ 1 Paragraphs 1 and 2 to 5, the Court of Justice can determine the conditions under which a document electronically transmitted to the registry is considered to be the original of the document. The decision will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
  7. Art 79 § 3 Rules of Procedure ECJ: The Court of Justice can determine the conditions under which a document can be served electronically by decision. The decision will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
  8. Art 43 § 7 Rules of Procedure of the Court (first instance): Without prejudice to § 1 Paragraph 1 and §§ 2 to 5, the court can determine the conditions under which a document electronically transmitted to the office is considered to be the original of the document. The decision will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
  9. Art 100 § 3 procedural rules of the court (first instance): The court can determine the conditions under which a document can be served electronically by decision. The decision will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
  10. Order of the court of 14 September 2011 on the filing and service of procedural documents by way of the e-Curia application, OJ 2011 / C 289/07.
  11. Document confirming that the applicant is entitled to represent an institution or a member state or to appear before a court of a member state or another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area