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eAQUA ( E xtraktion of structured knowledge from A ntiken Qu ellen for A ltertumswissenschaft) is a portal that provides tools for use in the historical languages Greek and Latin provides. It is operated by the Chair of Ancient History , Historical Seminar of the University of Leipzig and emerged from the eAQUA project.

The eAQUA project was a digital humanities project at the University of Leipzig funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the period 2008-2013 as part of the eHumanties initiatives . Classical scholars, early modern researchers and computer scientists have jointly adapted tools from the field of text mining in the project network with the aim of recognizing semantic relationships, dependencies, influences and transfer paths in closed text corpora. The specific subject matter was subject-specific, digitized texts in the historical languages ​​Greek and Latin, such as those in the editions of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG), the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI), the Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) or digitization projects such as Perseus Digital Library occur.


  • A. Bünte: Text Mining with the Atthidographers. In: Ch. Schubert, G. Heyer (Hrsg.): The eAQUA portal - New methods in research in the humanities I. (= Working Papers Contested Order. No. 1). Leipzig 2010, ISSN  2191-3641 , pp. 10-25. ( uni-leipzig.de ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive )).
  • A. Bünte: Documentation for the use of the eAQUA function 'explorative search'. In: Ch. Schubert (Ed.): New methods of research in the humanities. An introduction to the eAQUA II portal (= Working Papers Contested Order. No. 3). Leipzig 2011, ISSN  2191-3641 , pp. 19-32. ( uni-leipzig.de ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ))
  • A. Geßner: The automatic finding of the indirect tradition of the Platonic Timaeus and the importance of the tool “citation graph” for research. In: Ch. Schubert, G. Heyer (Hrsg.): The eAQUA portal - New methods in research in the humanities I. (= Working Papers Contested Order. No. 1 ). Leipzig 2010, ISSN  2191-3641 , pp. 26-41. ( uni-leipzig.de ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ))
  • R. Gruhl: The knowledge network of the early modern times. From the virtual library to the virtual encyclopedia. In: Ch. Schubert, G. Heyer (Hrsg.): The eAQUA portal - New methods in research in the humanities I. (= Working Papers Contested Order. No. 1). Leipzig 2010, ISSN  2191-3641 , pp. 56-70. ( uni-leipzig.de ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ))
  • R. Kath: The concept of "simple life" in antiquity: an example of the use of text mining methods in historical studies. In: Ch. Schubert, G. Heyer (Hrsg.): The eAQUA portal - New methods in research in the humanities I. (= Working Papers Contested Order. No. 1). Leipzig 2010, ISSN  2191-3641 , pp. 71-90. ( uni-leipzig.de ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ))
  • M. Rücker: The possibilities of automatic text completion on papyri, in: Ch. Schubert, G. Heyer (Ed.): The portal eAQUA - New methods in research in the humanities I (= Working Papers Contested Order. No. 1). Leipzig 2010, ISSN  2191-3641 , pp. 91-100. ( uni-leipzig.de ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ))
  • Ch. Schubert: Detailed description of eAQUA search portal. In: Ch. Schubert (Ed.): New methods of research in the humanities. An introduction to the eAQUA II portal (= Working Papers Contested Order. No. 3). Leipzig 2011, ISSN  2191-3641 , pp. 33-53. ( uni-leipzig.de ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ))
  • Ch. Schubert, Corina Welcome: Plutarch's De malignitate Herodoti. In: Ch. Schubert, M. Klank (Ed.): The eAQUA portal - New methods in research in the humanities III. (= Working Papers Contested Order. No. 7). Leipzig 2012, ISSN  2191-3641 ( uni-leipzig.de ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ))
  • Ch. Schubert: Citation profiles, search strategies and research directions. In: Ch. Schubert, G. Heyer (Hrsg.): The eAQUA portal - New methods in research in the humanities I. (= Working Papers Contested Order. No. 1). Leipzig 2010, ISSN  2191-3641 , pp. 42-55. ( uni-leipzig.de ( Memento from February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ))
  • R. Scholl: Text mining and papyri. In: Actes du 26e Congrès International de Papyrologie. Genève, 16-21 août 2010. 2012, ISBN 978-2-600-01612-4 , pp. 695–699.

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