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EKSA is an Estonian book publisher based in Tallinn .

Foundation and name

The publishing house was founded in 1993 by the Estonian Language Institute as E esti K eele S iht a sutus ( Estonian , 'Foundation for the Estonian Language') and had the purpose of distributing specialist literature on Estonian. From the beginning, however, Schöne Literatur was also published. Since the Estonian Language Institute is under the government, the commercial activity was problematic, which is why a name change (or dissolution and re-establishment) was made in 2017: the new founder was the Society for Mother Tongues (Estonian Emakeele Selts '), which makes the same Abbreviation could be retained ( E ma k eele S iht a sutus = 'Foundation for the mother tongue').

Toomas Väljataga is the publisher's director .


In addition to specialist literature on Estonian, the publisher mainly has monolingual and bilingual dictionaries in its range. In the field of fine literature, it quickly became one of the most important publishers for high literature.

One of the greatest sales successes was the novel The Man Who Talked to Snakes by Andrus Kivirähk , which was published by the publishing house in 2007. Other well-known authors who publish or have published their books at EKSA include Kai Aareleid , Maarja Kangro , Andrus Kasemaa , Jaan Kross , Viivi Luik , Tõnu Õnnepalu and Toomas Vint .

Web links

(Estonian) Homepage of the publisher

Individual evidence

  1. Ilona Martson: Eesti kirjandus- ja ajakirjandusväli 1988-2000 (III). 1997-2000: Stabiliseerumine, in: Looming 11/2003, p. 1676.