
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Author (s) Jeff Laubenstein, David Martin
Original publisher FASA
Original publication 1993 (1st edition)

2001 (2nd Edition)
2005 (Classic Edition)
2009 (3rd Edition)
2015 (4th Edition)

original language English
German publisher FASA Corporation , Games-In Verlag , Ulisses Spiele
World and system
genre Fantasy
Game world Barsaive (now Ukraine )
Ascent LP purchase system

(LP = legend points)

cube W4, W6, W8, W10, W12, W20

Earthdawn is a pen & paper role-playing game that takes place in a fictional distant past of our earth. The world of Earthdawn was the official past of the world of Shadowrun when it was first released . Both role-playing games were then published by the US publisher FASA Corporation .

Earthdawn is characterized by a sophisticated magic system and a generally high power level of the player characters. Every playable character class is gifted with magic. Accordingly , magic is omnipresent in the associated Barsaive campaign world . The description of the campaign world is closely linked to the rules throughout, which makes Earthdawn an exceptionally coherent game system.


The level of magic in the world rises and falls in cycles spanning thousands of years (see Shadowrun ). When this cycle is at its peak, the barriers between our world and other magical realms weaken. When this happened for the last time about 10,000 years ago, the horrors managed to penetrate unspeakable demons from other dimensions into our world and destroy everything that came in their way. This event was called the plague . The inhabitants of our world had no choice but to flee to magically reinforced underground hiding places, so-called Kaers , and to remain there.

After several centuries, there were signs that the level of magic had dropped but remained at a high level. The plague seemed to be over and so the people , elves , dwarves and orcs , the windlings, the trolls , the T'Skrang and the obsidians from the Kaers moved to explore the dangerous world that had become strange to them. Mighty airships powered by pure magic are again cruising the skies to trade. But the dangers and threats for the namesake are far from over.

The most powerful of the namesake were the adepts. Regardless of their race, they followed so-called disciplines, which gave them magical powers, called talents, in a specialty specific to their discipline.

The most common disciplines include:

Thieves, elementalists, necromancers, illusionists, scouts, warriors, air pirates, airship sailors, magicians, marksmen, sword masters, steppe riders, animal masters, troubadours and armourers.

However, a discipline not only gives a character magical abilities, it also gives the person a certain view of things. A thief sees the world differently than a Sagittarius. So a discipline is not just a profession, it is a calling. Not every namesake can learn one, and not every one is suitable for everyone. About 5 percent of the namesake Barsaives follow a discipline.

Magic in Earthdawn

The magic permeates everything and everyone in the world of Earthdawn. It is the source of all abilities of the adepts and also the way of the demons who ravage the world and corrupt the magic itself. The player and non-player characters use magic to use the talents and skills of their discipline. Wizards shape magic into spells and not only manipulate the physical world with it.

Basics of Magic

The most important basis of the magic of the namesake is the ability to give things their own name. The naming gives an object or a place its own true magical structure , which from then on assigns the place or the object a special place in the world. This structure is not independent, but depends on the name and the definition behind it. So has z. B. a small wood only has a very weak magical structure if it is always referred to as the "wood behind the village". However, if it is given a special name, the simple magical structure of the grove solidifies into a true magical structure and one can interact with it by means of magic. For example, this wood can be given a name because something has happened there or something special can be found in it. Dies z. B. a resident of the village or a hero in this forest, the forest could be called Jorgals Fluch , or gold tree forest because Jorgal died in this forest or a gold colored tree can be found in this forest. This naming can be done intentionally by means of targeted magic or a ritual , but also by a special event or the application of very strong magic near the location. The death of a great hero or a great battle can represent such events.

Different types of magic

The magic in Earthdawn is divided into several "areas".

The everyday magic

On the one hand, there is the "normal" everyday magic. Many objects of daily life are created and also used by means of magic. Even namesake, who are not able to use the magic themselves, can benefit from the omnipresent magic. However, these items must also be made by users of magic, usually adepts.

Disciplines and their talents

Second, there is the more intuitive magic of most adepts. It is only through them that the adepts are able to use their special talents and thus to follow their discipline. A namesake's worldview and the discipline he or she exerts are very dependent on one another. An adept can lose his magic if he no longer behaves according to his discipline: for example a scholar or magician who burns down a library, or a marksman who only fights with his sword and thus leaves his path. Without magic there would be no talent and therefore no discipline.

Thread magic

A third “area” of magic is thread magic. Using magic threads, which can be used by any adept who has reached the fourth circle (roughly the level of a character) of his discipline, an adept can improve his talents, bind himself to places or magical artifacts in order to gain special advantages pull. Artifacts can only be activated by means of a thread. The stronger the thread that is woven into an artifact , or the more threads it weaves on it over time, the more of the artifact's capabilities the adept can use.
A group of adepts can also use these magical threads to connect with one another in such a way that they can act as a unit. This also improves the abilities of the individual adept. However, such a group structure also brings some advantages to the group as such.

Blood magic

Another field of magic is so-called blood magic. This type of magic uses the blood of a living being, preferably that of a namesake, to enhance the other types of magic. With blood magic it is possible to briefly improve the effectiveness of talents, to prolong the effect of spells (see below) or to cast particularly powerful magic. However, blood magic also has negative consequences. So with every blood sacrifice, life force is also sacrificed. A covenant or an oath made using blood magic is particularly strong. If it is broken, this can have extreme consequences. Since the blood magic is considered demonic by many residents of Barsaive, this type of magic is rarely used in public.

Spell magic

One of the most important areas of magic is that of spell
wizardry. Spell wizardry can in turn be divided into different types.

Raw magic

Before the plague, the energy needed to cast a spell was passed directly through the wizard's body. As long as the demons had not yet haunted the world, it was an effort, but as long as one did not overdo it, it was harmless. Using raw magic, the magician is able to cast any spell at any time that he has learned, i.e. transferred to his grimoire (see below). When the demons came, they polluted the astral space and with it the magical energy. If a magician now conducts such polluted energy through his body, it can kill him. Or worse. This was avoided by developing the magic matrices.

Matrix magic

To protect against the consequences of using raw magic, the magic matrices were invented before the outbreak of the plague. A part of the energy that is necessary for the spell to work can be stored in these magic matrices. The magic matrix filters the magical energy so that the negative effects of the polluted energy no longer occur. The wizards were thus very well protected. Also the magical activities of magic in the astral space are shielded so far that they can no longer attract demons. As with conjuring using raw magic, magical threads must be woven into the spell. Matrix magic can only cast those magic that the magician has written in his grimoire and learned through it. In order to work, the spell must be embedded in a matrix. This usually takes several minutes or is very difficult if it has to be done quickly. If the magician wants to be protected from the negative effects of the astral space, he must first insert the spell to be used into the matrix.

The grimoire

A magician can usually only cast spells that he has learned himself. He learns them by writing the magical peculiarities in his magic book, the Grimoire . Because a magic can only be transferred if the magician has really understood it. But if a magician finds a strange grimoire, he can also cast sayings from this grimoire that he has not learned himself. However, this is a lot more difficult for the wizard. The shape and type of a grimoires depends only on the imagination and preferences of the magician. A grimoire can be a classic heavy tome with many pages written on, but also a small bag full of stones with engraved runes , a chain made of bones or a tattoo on the magician's skin.

Other types of spell wizardry

There are other types of spell casting as well. For example the magic of dragons or the fetishes of shamans. There may be other types of magic in other parts of the world as well. This is left to the game master or is explained in relevant publications.

The demons

The demons in Earthdawn are a mixed race of creatures who feed on the suffering of the namesake who torment them. The torment can have various causes: lower demons inflict physical harm on the victim and feed on it; the great and more powerful demons bring the characters to ruin, be it through the loss of great love, family or good reputation. They feed on the resulting psychological torment suffered by the victim.

Playable races


Trolls are the largest playable figures at Earthdawn with an average of 270 cm. On the other hand, trolls rarely have a life expectancy of more than 60 years. Trolls have greenish to reddish skin, strong hair on their heads and two, mostly crooked, horns. At Earthdawn, trolls are characterized by a very aggressive character, but on the other hand they have a strong sense of honor. Culturally, Earthdawn trolls are a mixture of pirates and Vikings who go on raids with magically powered airships from their dwellings in the high mountains.


Windlings are a breed of winged creatures averaging 18 inches tall. Life expectancy is 170 or more years. Windlings have very pointed ears and are able to adapt their skin tone to the predominant surrounding color after a continuous stay of at least 2 to 3 months in the same place. Windlings are nature-loving beings and abhor everything unnatural (so cities are a pure waste and narrow). They are also very resentful, should one insult a diaper and not apologize in any form, the vengeance of a diaper is enormous. It can lead to death, but this has not happened until now. You are very curious. The guiding principle of the Windlinge is: A day without danger is not a lived day.


The obsidian reaches an average size of 220 centimeters. It weighs about 450 kilograms. His skin is mostly black or gray. An obsidian's ears are under his skin, he has no hair. The obsidian is formed by its stone of life, to which it returns after 300 to 500 years, in order to merge with the stone again. It is not known exactly how long an obsidian lives, but some records of the dwarfs speak of a few obsidians that were separated from their rock of life for at least 500 years. Obsidians do not have a state of their own. They prefer to live in the open air. Less than 1% of the population are obsidians. Obsidians have no gender. They mostly dress like humans and generally assume a masculine identity. However, by no means do they feel like a man; rather, the hustle and bustle of the sexes amuses the obsidian.


T'skrang are reptilian beings with a penchant for the dramatic. They average 180 cm tall and weigh 200 pounds. The normal life expectancy of a T'skrang is 80 years. The length of the tail of a T'skrang corresponds roughly to the body size and makes up around 20% of the body weight. The normal skin tone ranges from a dark green to green-blue and aquamarine hues.


People in Earthdawn basically correspond to their real role models in all physical characteristics. However, Earthdawn distinguishes a lot of different races of humans, such as the Scavians (pirates), the Dinganni (nomads) or the Vorst.


Elves in Earthdawn physically correspond to the Elves made famous by JRR Tolkien . You are slim and tall. Your hair and skin colors vary through almost the entire color spectrum. But there is seldom a skin color called cetharel, which can best be compared with mother-of-pearl. The role assigned to them, however, differs greatly from the picture otherwise drawn in fantasy worlds and literature. The other races do not meet the elven people with admiration, but rather have a reputation for ruin. On the one hand, elves founded the Theran empire, which threatens the freedom of Barsaive, on the other hand, the cultural center of the elves, the court at the rose throne in the wyrm forest, contaminated the true magical structures of both the elves and the forest itself through the ritual of thorns merged wood spirits with the elves, causing thorns to grow from the bones through the muscles and skin, causing the blood elves to feel permanent pain. The pain caused by the thorns protects the blood elves from the demons because it is so intense that the demons cannot inflict any further pain on them, making them unsuitable for food.


Outwardly correspond to the ideal type of dwarfs . The culture is characterized by a pronounced slope to build and construct. This refers to a broad context, for example also to dwarf literature or complex systems of government. The dwarf kingdom of Throal is one of the great poles of power after dwarven literature was available in almost every Kaer. The Thai calendar is standard in Barsaive.


Human-like breed, but somewhat larger and more robustly built. They have a dark skin color, pronounced body hair, and a protruding lower jaw so that the lower canines are often visible. The orcs are very impulsive and lively, they have the shortest lifespan of the namesake races and are at the same time the most prolific. Culturally, the orcs are shaped by their geographical location, they are mainly a steppe people, and the orcs are the least socially respected race. Under the Theran occupation of Barsaives, they had to bear the brunt of the Theran slave policy.

Playable disciplines


Stealth and the element of surprise are aspects of the thief.


A spellcaster who specializes in the afterlife and spirits.


The most balanced discipline of the magicians.


A spellcaster who uses combinations of real and apparent spells, and for whom the social component is more important than any other spellcaster.


A spellcaster who focuses on the elements.

Air pirate

An aggressive fighter with airship aspects.

Air glider

A fighter with a focus on airship travel.


The warrior is the most potent and balanced of all warrior disciplines.

Sword master

The sword master is a fighter specializing in fighting other fighters.


The armourer is a fighter with a special connection to his weapon that he magically reinforces.


The troubadour is a bard and possesses many social talents.

Steppe rider

The steppe rider is a fighter with a special connection to his mount, from which he usually fights.


The scout combines aspects of the thief with a slightly higher fighting power and a focus on wilderness, which makes him a kind of ranger.

Rights to Earthdawn

In 1999 the publisher FASA officially discontinued the Earthdawn series. In the same year, a license was granted to the company Living Room Games , which was then newly founded by fans . The license allowed Living Room Games to publish new material for the game, but excluded the use or publication of existing material.

The German-speaking rights holder was the Munich publishing house Games-In , and Ulisses Spiele has been publishing the 4th edition of the game in German, financed by Kickstarter , since 2014 .

In 2003, a further license was awarded to the New Zealand company RedBrick , which, in contrast to the license to Living Room Games, also includes the use of old material from FASA.

Since 2008 the French RPG publisher Black Books Editions, which also holds the French "Shadowrun" license, has published a French translation of the "Earthdawn" RPG.

Effects on the product line

Since Living Room Games was not authorized to reprint the old set of rules, the decision was made to produce a second edition . The actual changes were relatively minor for a 2nd edition. In addition, Living Room Games continued the Metaplot started by FASA: In the three campaign volumes Prelude to War , Barsaive at War and Barsaive in Chaos , the adventure world is covered by a great war and changed profoundly in the process. The world changed in this way is now the official campaign world of Living Rooms Games.

Games-In München, as the rights holder for the German-speaking area, translated the original books by Fasa & Living Room Games. Ulisses Spiele focuses on the translations of the 4th edition of FASA and has not yet published any material of its own.

RedBrick Limited , on the other hand, sticks more closely to the old FASA product line, which the international team can do thanks to the more generous license. The rulebook has been completely redesigned, maintaining the FASA visual style and concepts. The entire setting and all the rules of the game were summarized in the two basic sets of rules (each 524 pages long). New material was introduced where there were previously gaps. To accommodate these circumstances, RedBrick's new product line is only called Earthdawn . Technically, it is of course also a 2nd edition, but the material is largely compatible with the other editions. In the long term, RedBrick plans to work up the rest of the setting and publish it together with new material. So far, the Name-giver's Compendium (an expanded revision of the Völkerbände) and the Adventure Compendium (which reissues five classic adventures of the first edition in an expanded form and adapts them to the revised rules of the game) have been published. Ardanyan's Revenge , an adventure for beginners penned by the German author Carsten Damm , has so far been released as a separate production .


  • Volume 01: Chris Kubasik : Der Magische Ring , 1994 ( The Longing Ring , 1994)
  • Volume 02: Chris Kubasik: The Voice of the Mother , 1994 ( Mother Speaks , 1994)
  • Volume 03: Chris Kubasik: Poisoned Memories , 1995 ( Poisoned Memories , 1994)
  • Volume 04: Greg Gorden : The Prophecy , 1995 ( Prophecy , 1994)
  • Volume 05: Sam Lewis (ed.): The Talisman , 1995 ( Talisman , 1994)
  • Volume 06: Caroline Spector : Scars , 1995 ( Scars , 1994)
  • Volume 07: Caroline Spector: Kleine Schätze , 1995 ( Little treasures , 1995)
  • Volume 08: Carl Sargent and Marc Gascoigne : Veil of Madness , 1996 ( Shroud of Madness , 1995)
  • Volume 09: Nigel Findley : The Forgotten Kaer , 1999 ( Lost Kaer , 1998)
  • Volume 10: Allan Varney : The Spirits You Call , 1999 ( Piercing a Veil , 1998)
  • Volume 11: Jak Koke : Liferock A lost Novel of Earthdawn , 2003 ( only available in the American original )

Volumes 1 to 3 tell as a trilogy the story of J'Role, the "honest thief". Volumes 6 and 7 are also part of a trilogy that ends with the Shadowrun novel Endlose Welten ( Worlds Without End ). The novels are currently only available as second-hand books, but Volume 10 has been put online by the author in the original English version.

In the visual media

Earthdawn is not represented in film or television. The TV series The Shannara Chronicles is most likely to do this, albeit unofficially. It borrows from Shadowrun and Earthdawn. The opening sequence of the pilot film shows the "Space Needle", one of Seattle's landmarks or shadowruns, as it has collapsed and is overgrown. The breeds are classically designed, with the elves being very long-lived. It is conceivable that this is a future of shadowruns in which the plague has been and is slowly returning.

Individual evidence

  1. The original English version of Volume 10

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