East Island (Hawaii)

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East Island
East Island before and after Hurricane Walaka, 2018
East Island before and after Hurricane Walaka, 2018
Waters Pacific Ocean
Archipelago French frigate shoals
Geographical location 23 ° 47 ′  N , 166 ° 13 ′  W Coordinates: 23 ° 47 ′  N , 166 ° 13 ′  W
East Island (Hawaii) (total Hawaii)
East Island (Hawaii)
Residents uninhabited

East Island is an uninhabited island of Hawaii in the atoll of the French Frigate Shoals , which is part of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands . East Iceland is located about 850 km northwest of the island of O'ahu and is one of the marine reserve Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument .

Until it was almost completely flooded, East Iceland had a land area of ​​4.5 hectares.

Except for a few land masses, the island was destroyed by Hurricane Walaka in early October 2018. This particularly affected the populations of the green sea turtle and the Hawaiian monk seal , which used the island for their brood care.

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.focus.de/wissen/klima/hawaiische-insel-east-island-klimawandel-schlaegt-zu-komplette-insel-vom-ozean-verschlungen_id_9988820.html
  2. http://www.goettinger-tageblatt.de/Nachrichten/Panorama/Hawaii-Insel-East-Island-vom-Ozean-verschluckt