
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ebir-Nari (also Ebirnari, Eber Nāri ) was the Akkadian term used to describe the Achaemenid satrapy of the Transeuphratene (composed of Latin trans “(over) over”, “beyond”, “on the other side” and ancient Greek Εὐφράτης EuphrátēsEuphrates “) ( Old Persian Aṯūrā ; Aramaic ' A bar Nah a rā,' abar-naharā ; Hebrew ' eber hannāhar ), which as a region on the other side of the river included the areas of Syria , Phenicia and Palestine . With the satrapy of Babylonia , she initially formed a double satrapy . Darius I established it from around 518 BC. Then as a separate administrative unit with its own satrap.

