Eckart Bueren

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Eckart Bueren (* 1979 ) is a German legal scholar .


He studied law at the universities of Münster and Bonn (2005 first state examination in law ; 2007 second state examination in law; 2011 doctorate at the University of Bonn with Daniel Zimmer ; 2011 graduate economist at the Fernuniversität Hagen ; 2018 habilitation at the Bucerius Law School with Holger Fleischer ). From 2010 to 2011 he was a research assistant at Daniel Zimmer. From 2011 to 2018 he was a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law . Since 2019 he has been teaching at the chair for civil law, antitrust law, commercial and corporate law and comparative law at the University of Göttingen .

His main research interests are civil law, competition and antitrust law, capital market law, commercial and company law, economic analysis of law, and comparative law.

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