Edith Saner

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Edith Saner (* 1960 in Oberkirch LU ) is a Swiss politician (CVP). She is a member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Aargau and will be its President in 2020.


Saner grew up in Oberkirch in the canton of Lucerne as a farmer's daughter with seven siblings. Her father held a number of public offices and was president of the local FDP party. The mother was a school caretaker .

At the age of 18, Edith Saner decided to train as a nurse , which she completed in 1981 at the Baldegger School in Sursee . She then worked as a qualified nurse at the Olten Cantonal Hospital . In 1984 she began her higher professional education in health and completed it a year later. For the next two years she was busy setting up and managing a health center for the St. Paulus parish in Bern . In 1987 she took over the management of the education and advice department at the Baden Cantonal Hospital , which she still holds today. In addition, from 1991 to 2017 she was the deputy director of the nursing department at the Baden Cantonal Hospital.

After moving to Birmenstorf in 1987 , she got involved in the local Spitex organization. From 1991 to 2003 she was a member of the board and later president of Spitex Fislisbach-Birmenstorf. During this time she completed her training as a company trainer at the Institute for Applied Psychology in Zurich. In 2003 the process of merging the Spitex organizations Fislisbach-Birmenstorf, Mellingen and the surrounding area and Rohrdorferberg began. Edith Saner worked in various project groups until she left the newly formed Spitex Heitersberg in autumn 2014. She was not only involved in Spitex, but also in the Birmenstorf cultural association, of which she was a board member from 1994 to 2012.

In 2008 she obtained a master's degree in coaching and consulting from the FHNW . From 2010 to 2014 she was a member of the Board of Management and since 2014 she has been President of the Board of Directors of the Buechberg Retirement Center in Fislisbach . She has also been a board member of the Barmelweid Clinic Association since 2015. Furthermore, she has been President of the Organization of Aargau Hospitals, Clinics and Nursing Institutions (VAKA) since summer 2017.


Edith Saner's political career began in 1998 when he was elected to the Birmenstorf municipal council . Two years later she became the Vice- Ammann nominated again two years later they took over the office of the woman mayor . In total, she was a member of the local council for 20 years, and for 16 years as a councilor. As a councilor and later as Ms. Ammann, she pushed ahead with the planning and implementation of the community hall, the school room and other public buildings, as well as traffic and street planning, and advocated a family-friendly community of all generations. She also got involved with Baden Regio, the regional planning association of Baden. She was a board member there, mainly concerned with health issues and headed the long-term care working group. During this time she drove the transformation of the old people's center on Buechberg in Fislisbach into a stock corporation .

On July 1, 2014, Edith Saner began her position as a member of the council . Because of her election result, she moved up for the resigned Max Läng. During the first three years in the Grand Council, she was also on the municipal council as the Birmenstorf municipal mayor. In autumn 2017, however, she no longer ran for election to the local council. She wanted to concentrate on the Grand Council and therefore renounced community politics. At the beginning of January 2018, Edith Saner was elected by the Grand Council as Vice-President II of the Grand Council of the Canton of Aargau and in January 2019 as Vice-President I. On January 7, 2020, she was elected President of the Grand Council and thus the highest woman in Aargau.

Board and commission work

  • Member of the Board of Management for Occupational Health Management (BGM) Canton Aargau (until 2015)
  • Member of the OdA education commission (until 2015)
  • Member of the Cantonal Ethics Committee Aargau / Solothurn (until 2014)
  • Member of the Women and Health Commission at the women's center in the canton of Aargau (2007 to 2010)

Individual evidence

  1. It shaped political events . ( effingermedien.ch [accessed on May 23, 2018]).
  2. Annual report 2014. Spitex Heitersberg, accessed on May 23, 2018 .
  3. CVP: Edith Saner replaces Max Läng . In: az Badener Tagblatt . ( badenertagblatt.ch [accessed on May 23, 2018]).
  4. Created by Schlüssel Informatik AG, Aarau: VAKA | The Aargau health partner. Retrieved May 23, 2018 .
  5. Edith Saner's last community meeting . ( effingermedien.ch [accessed on May 23, 2018]).
  6. ^ Resignation of two major CVP councilors - CVP Bremgarten district. Retrieved on May 23, 2018 (Swiss Standard German).
  7. Waiver of re-election: Mayor Edith Saner leaves after 20 years . In: az Badener Tagblatt . ( badenertagblatt.ch [accessed on May 23, 2018]).
  8. Grand Council Presidium - Canton Aargau. Retrieved May 23, 2018 .
  9. Renata Siegrist-Bachmann is the highest Aargau woman on Radio Argovia
  10. Grand Council elects new President with brilliant result. Retrieved January 10, 2020 .
  11. Annual report 2012. Association Forum BGM Aargau, accessed on May 23, 2018 .
  12. Annual report 2012. Organization of the working world, health and social affairs, Aargau, accessed on May 23, 2018 .