Edmund Karl Wreden

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Edmund Charles Wreden , Russian Эдмунд Романович Вреден (* 22. August 1836 in Riga , Governorate of Livonia , † July 21 . Jul / 2. August  1891 greg. In Svisloch, Grodno ), was a Russian economist Baltic German descent.


His parents were the teacher Robert Wreden (1811–1882) and Amalie Marie Elisabeth, b. Kölbel. Edmund Karl Wreden studied at the Main Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg. From 1857 he was a teacher in the civil service. In 1866 he graduated with a master's degree and in 1870 a doctorate in political economy.

At the University of St. Petersburg he was a private lecturer from 1866, an associate professor in 1873, and a full professor in 1880.

In 1877 he became a real councilor of state .

He married Alexandrine Pöltzig in 1875.


Web links


  1. https://bioslovhist.spbu.ru/histschool/32-vreden-edmund-romanovich.html
  2. https://amburger.ios-regensburg.de/index.php?id=81491