Edmund Maria Merl

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Edmund Maria Merl (born October 17, 1889 , Nuremberg ; † December 11, 1968 ) was a German biologist. Its official botanical author's abbreviation is " Merl ".


Merl came as the son of the king. District judge Max Merl and his wife Maria zur Welt. He received his doctorate in 1915 from the University of Munich and worked at the Bavarian State Institute for Crop Production and Plant Protection from 1916 until his retirement in 1954 . From 1938 he was head of the semen control department. The scientific focus of his work was seed plants and seed analysis.

After the end of the Second World War , he was instrumental in rebuilding the institute's investigative system. He initiated the resumption of the German specialist institutes in the International Union for Semen Control as members with equal rights.



  • Bavarian State Institute for Plant Production and Plant Protection (Ed.): Practical sheets for plant production and plant protection , Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1954, p. 278

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