Eduardo Enrique Solís Mayora

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Eduardo Enrique Solís Mayora or Eduardo Solís Mayora (born May 10, 1928 in Torreón , Coahuila ( Mexico )) was a Mexican diplomat . He speaks English, French and German.


After studying chemistry at the Universidad Nacional de México , he entered the diplomatic service of his country in February 1950 and in 1953 held the post of Vice-Consul of Mexico in Venezuela.

1959 Eduardo Enrique Solís Mayora d'affaires at the embassy in Port-au-Prince as the physician Gaston Jumelle (brother of Clement Jumelle, founder of the Frente Revolutionario, who had taken refuge in the Cuban Embassy), Jean V. Cauvin, the dismissed head of cabinet Paul Eugène Magloire , Joseph L. Déjean, the journalist Antonio RG Petite, the painter Auguste Clervaux and the businessman Seymour Pilet were able to travel to Mexico after five weeks of asylum in the embassy. Subsequently, the regime of François Duvalier declared Solís a persona non grata .

In 1970 he was chargé d'affaires of the embassy in Senegal and in 1971 he was interim chargé d'affaires of the embassy in Yugoslavia (EN AI : Encargado de Negocios Ad Interim ). Later at the embassy in Korea, where he worked until 1984, he was not listed as an ambassador, but as an interim chargé d'affaires (" Ministro Encargado de Negocios ai ").

After further stations, but never with the rank of ambassador (embajador), he retired in 1993 when he reached the age limit of 43 years in the diplomatic service.


  • 1984: Banda de la Orden del Servicio Diplomático Meritorio de Corea for his work in Korea

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Garrido Mezquita y Compañía, 1953: Diccionario biográfico de Venezuela, part 2
  2. Jet , Apr. 9, 1959, Mexico Grants Asylum To 6 Haitian Dejoi Foes
  3. Hispano americano. v.34 no.880, Tiempo SAdeCV, 1959
  4. José Rogelio Alvarez, Enciclopedia de México , Volume 12, 1998.
  5. ^ Acervo Histórico Diplomático: Serbia
  6. ^ Acervo Histórico Diplomático: Corea
  7. Anuario mexicano de relaciones internacionales 1982 , page 649
  8. Comunicación e Información, SA de CV, 1993, Proceso, editions 883-895, page 29
  9. ^ David A. Olvera Ayes, 2007: Honores extranjeros en Mexico, p. 411
predecessor Office successor
Ernesto Madero Vázquez Mexican ambassador in Dakar
José Pontones Tovar
Ramón Ruiz Vasconcelos Mexican Ambassador to Belgrade
August 11, 1971 to May 1972
Ivonne Loyola Escobedo