Einstein-Smoluchowski relationship

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The Einstein-Smoluchowski relationship , also known as the Einstein equation , is a relationship in the field of kinetic gas theory that was first discovered by Albert Einstein (1905) and then by Marian Smoluchowski (1906) in his writings on Brownian motion . It links the diffusion coefficient with the mobility of the particles :

Inscribed therein

It is an early example of a fluctuation-dissipation relationship .

Diffusion of particles

In areas with a low Reynolds number , the mobility is the reciprocal of the flow coefficient :

The Stokes equation gives for spherical particles with radius :

where denotes the viscosity of the medium.

With this the Einstein equation can be transformed into:

This form is also called the Stokes-Einstein equation .

You can z. For example, be used to the diffusion coefficient of a globular protein in aqueous solution to determine if we have a density of about 1.2 × 10 3 accept kg / m³, we get a protein of 100  kDa : .

Electric conductivity

In relation to the electrical conductivity , one first defines the electron mobility :

in which

For a semiconductor with any density of states , one usually divides the right part of the equation by the charge of the charge carrier . Then the Einstein equation is


This relationship also applies to the mobility of ions . The Einstein equation thus becomes the "Nernst-Einstein relationship":
