Stokes equation

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Streamlines around a sinking sphere in a liquid; The buoyancy force is denoted here with and the gravitational force with .

The Stokes equation , which is based on Stokes' law , is used to calculate the sedimentation velocity of spherical bodies in a liquid or a gas. For non-spherical bodies, instead of the particle radius , its halved equivalent diameter is used as a rough approximation .

The Stokes equation is valid for slow sedimentation with Reynolds numbers smaller than one ( laminar flow ). This is the case when the inertia of the fluid is insignificant for the flow caused by the sinking body. With a higher Reynolds number, the formation of eddies must also be taken into account ( turbulent flow ), then the u. G. Formula no longer.

It follows from the approach

( Stokes friction ) and
( static buoyancy )
( Gravity )

the constant rate of descent

The individual symbols stand for the following quantities :

  • - sedimentation rate
  • - radius of the sinking object
  • - volume of the particle (for balls: )
  • - gravitational acceleration
  • - density of the particle
  • - density of the fluid
  • - dynamic viscosity of the fluid.