El Kazovsky

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El Kazovsky , born as Jelena Kasowskaja , Russian Елена Казовская (* 13. July 1948 in Leningrad ; † 21st July 2008 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian painter and avant-garde - artists .


Little is known about his previous life. In 1965 he moved to Budapest, where he studied painting between 1970 and 1977 at the Academy of Fine Arts under György Kádár and Ignác Kokas.

After a gender reassignment, he called himself El Kazovskij. His art, which was linked to the Italian Arte Cifra , is attributed to individual mythologies . Since the late 1970s, El Kazovskij took part in national and international exhibitions; His works were shown in group exhibitions , especially in Austria . In 2002 he received the highest Hungarian state award, the Kossuth Prize.

El Kazovskij died at the age of 60 after a long illness in Budapest.



  • Achille Bonito Oliva, Dwight Gast (transl.), Gwen Jones (transl.): The Italian Transavantgarde. Giancarlo Politi, Milan 1992, ISBN 88-7816-038-5
  • Ágnes Nováky: Kazovszkij, El . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 79, de Gruyter, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-11-023184-7 , p. 494.


  1. Gender reassignment: Still unclear whether with gender reassignment measures or “only” as a gender role change .