El machete

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El machete

description mexican newspaper
First edition 1924
Frequency of publication Monday to Saturday
Editor-in-chief David Alfaro Siqueiros
editor Úrsulo Galván Reyes

El Machete was a newspaper of the Sindicato de Obreros, Técnicos, Pintores y Escultores de México ( union of workers, technicians, painters and sculptors in Mexico ) published from 1924 to 1938 . Motto : El machete sirve para cortar caña, para abrir las veredas en los Bosques, decapitar culebras, troncar toda cizaña y humillar la soberania de los ricos impíos (The machete is used to cut sugar cane to make paths in the shadows of the woods, Beheading snakes, short weeds, and holding down the sovereignty of the wicked realms.)

In 1925 El Machete became a party organ of the Partido Comunista Mexicano .

Individual evidence

  1. Silvia González Marín, Prensa y poder político: la elección presidencial de 1940 enla prensa mexicana