Elbaol Verlag Hamburg

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The elbaol publisher hamburg was established in 2004 Hanstedt founded (Northern Lower Saxony) and in 2008 in Hamburg officially gone to the book market. It has been based in Meldorf (Schleswig-Holstein / Dithmarschen) since 2014 . The small (st) publisher works as a one-person company and has the on-demand process ( Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt; see Use by publishers) printed, produced and delivered.

Publishing house owner Ellen Balsewitsch-Oldach, also active as an author, also runs (together with the author and artist Dirk-Uwe Becker) the North German authors and literature network Textfabrique51. The three open reading stages (in Hamburg-Ottensen, in Meldorf and in Garding / Eiderstedt), which she organizes and moderates in this context, also offer publishers forums for the public presentation of their new publications.


Elbaol verlag hamburg mainly publishes so-called niche literature: poetry, short prose, anthologies of individual authors or groups of authors, artistically illustrated volumes, unusual romantic topics and experimental literature. Between 4 and 8 individually designed new publications are created annually in close collaboration with the authors. The aim of the publisher is to make contemporary reading available on the book market for readers of even less “marketable” forms of literature.

Elbaol verlag hamburg also mainly promotes lesser-known authors with its publications.

But well-known writers also publish in elbaol Verlag Hamburg, for example For example, the Hamburg crime writer Monika Buttler and Amma Darko from Ghana, who is also popular in Germany .

The  publisher has so far published five anthologies with members of the Free German Authors' Association FDA in northern Germany .

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