Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa

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The Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA) (formerly Electoral Institute of Southern Africa with the same abbreviation) is a non-profit organization founded in 1996 with headquarters in Johannesburg ( South Africa ) and offices in Kinshasa ( Congo ), Antananarivo ( Madagascar ) , Abidjan ( Ivory Coast ), N'Djamena ( Chad ) and Maputo ( Mozambique ). The aim is to “promote credible elections, democratic participation and a culture of human rights, as well as strengthening government institutions that aim to consolidate democracy in Africa”. The organization collects and publishes election results and assessments of elections, the development of parties and conflicts on the African continent.

The EISA publications include: a. Handbooks for organizing elections tailored to individual African countries, extensive reports on the process and democratic standards of elections in African countries, the Journal of African Elections , which has been published since 2001 , country profiles for the 16 SADC countries and Burundi, and a dozen books on individual aspects of democracy and elections in Africa.

EISA lists a number of governments and institutions as supporters, from the United Nations ( United Nations Democracy Fund ) to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office . For some years now, EISA has given up its original restriction to southern Africa and deals with the entire African continent.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About EISA. EISA, accessed December 6, 2015 .
  2. Donors. EISA, accessed December 6, 2015 .