Electrometallurgical combine Temirtau

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Electrometallurgical combine Temirtau

legal form Limited partnership
founding 1994
Seat Temirtau , Kazakhstan
Number of employees approx. 2000 (2010)
sales 4.8 billion tenge (2009)
Branch Mining , metallurgy
Website www.temk.kz

The Temirtau Electrometallurgical Combine ( Russian Темиртауский электрометаллургический комбинат (ТЭМК) ) is a metalworking company based in Temirtau . The company's activities are manganese ore and limestone mining and ferroalloy production .


The Electrometallurgical Combine Temirtau was founded in 1994 and acquired the closed production facilities in Temirtau in central Kazakhstan on August 1, 1998. Shortly afterwards, the production of calcium carbide was resumed. The blast furnace for the production of manganese was also rebuilt and put into operation in 2000.


The company is divided into four divisions:

  • Chemical metallurgical factory in Temirtau (production of calcium carbide and ferroalloys)
  • Manganese ore center (extraction and processing of manganese ore and ferromanganese)
  • Süd-Topar ore center (extraction and processing of limestone)
  • Aqmola branch (building materials)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Темиртауский электрометаллургический комбинат (ТЭМК), ТОО (Russian)