Elena Trombini

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Elena Trombini (born April 26, 1962 in Ravenna ) is an Italian psychologist and child psychotherapist .


Trombini completed her psychology studies at the University of Bologna , where she graduated in 1988. In 1989 he completed further training in child psychology at the Laboratoire de Psycho-biologie de l'enfant of the CNRS in Paris , and in 1990 clinical-psychological training at Maudsley Hospital, University of London . In 1993 she obtained her doctorate in psychology from the University of Bologna, and in 1995 she was licensed as a psychotherapist. In 2005 she became Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bologna, and since 2012 she has been habilitation in clinical and dynamic psychology. 2012–2015 she was Deputy Director of the Department of Psychology at the University of Bologna.

The 'giocoterapia focale' (Focal Play Therapy) developed by her father Giancarlo Trombini and his colleagues from the 1970s onwards, a form- theoretical and psychotherapeutic variant of psychodynamic play therapy with children (especially in prelinguistic age), has since been further developed by Elena Trombini . Today she leads training and further education courses in this method at the University of Bologna, in which the parents or caregivers of the children are involved in the therapy by participating in play situations.

In the field of psychotherapeutic treatment of psychosomatic complaints , she and Giancarlo Trombini presented the first successful psychotherapeutic treatment of a case of sarcoid with long-term effects in 2012 .

Fonts (selection)

  • 1999 Genitori e figli in consultazione . Quattroventi publishing house, ISBN 978-8839204899 .
  • 2004 (with Giancarlo Trombini et al.) Use of the Drawn Stories Technique to Evaluate Psychological Distress in Children. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 99 , 975-982.
  • 2006 (with Giancarlo Trombini) Focal Play-Therapy in the Extended Child-Parents Context - A Clinical Case. Gestalt Theory 28 (4), 375-388.
  • 2007 (with Giancarlo Trombini) Focal Play-Therapy and Eating Behavior Self-Regulation in Preschool Children. Gestalt Theory 29 (4), 294-301.
  • 2008 Psicoterapia dei disturbi alimentari ed evacuativi in ​​età prescolare . Publisher Simple, ISBN 978-8862590259
  • 2010 Il cibo rifiutato. I disturbi precoci e la giocoterapia focale con bambini e genitori . Pendragon Publishing House, ISBN 978-8883428685 .
  • 2011 (with Giacomo Mancini) Dalle emozioni all'intelligenza emotiva. Comprendere per educare . Espress Edizioni Publishing House, ISBN 978-8897412137 .
  • 2012 (with Giancarlo Trombini) Sarcoidosis: Psychotherapy and Long-Term Outcome - A Case Report. Case Reports in Medicine Volume 2012, Article ID 232491.
  • 2019 (with Ilaria Chirico, Federica Andrei, Paola Salvatori & Irene Malaguti) Focal Play Therapy: A Clinical Approach to Promote Child Health and Family Well-being. Frontiers in Public Health, 7 .

Web links


  1. see CV on the website of the University of Bologna .
  2. Professore associato confermato
  3. cf. R. Canestrari & G. Trombini 1975; G. Trombini & E. Trombini 2007 and 2008.
  4. See Elena Trombini 2008, 2010, 2019; see the review by Gerhard Stemberger : cibo rifiutato - The denied food, 2019 .
  5. ^ Sarcoidosis: Psychotherapy and Long-Term Outcome - A Case Report. See full text