Elieshi Lema

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Elieshi Lema, 2010

Elieshi Lema (* 1949 in Nronga , Tanzania ) is a Tanzanian author and librarian who writes in Swahili and English .

She studied Library Science, Literature at the University of Dar es Salaam, and Creative Writing at San Francisco State University .

Honors / Prize

Works (selection)

  • 1995: "Safari ya Prospa"
  • 1998: "Mwendo"
  • 2001: "Parched Earth"

Individual evidence

  1. http://sanaa-central.spla.pro/en/file.person.elieshi-lema.37070.html#
  2. http://www.cca.ukzn.ac.za/index.php/tow-past-participants/46-tow-2013/207-elieshi-lema-tanzania