Elisabeth Denkhausen

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Elisabeth Denkhausen ( December 17, 1847 in Lübeck - December 5, 1904 in Darmstadt ) was a German singer ( mezzo-soprano ) and stage actress .


Her parents, Ludwig and Johanna Denkhausen, were deserving members of the Meininger Hofbühne. She began her stage career as a soubrette in Halle, then came to Rostock, Stettin, Lobetheater in Breslau and Bremen, from there to Oldenburg, where she switched to the comic old man, then to the Residenztheater in Hanover, Nuremberg and Düsseldorf, and entered in 1895 the association of the Darmstädter Hofbühne. Denkhausen is a very useful actress and is equally successful in comedy, farce and operetta. She developed a lot of humor and her originality, accuracy and natural truth were unanimously recognized. This artist was one of the most reliable pillars of the Darmstädter Hofbühne.


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