Elsa Dehennin

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Elsa Dehennin (born March 20, 1932 in Vertrijk, Boutersem ; † June 20, 2009 in Gent ) was a Belgian Romance and Hispanicist.

life and work

Elsa Dehennin spent the war years in Great Britain. She studied Romance philology in Ghent with Albert Henry and graduated with a thesis Passion d'absolu et tension expressive dans l'œuvre poétique de Pedro Salinas (Gent 1957). She did her doctorate on La résurgence de Góngora et la génération poétique de 1927 (Paris 1962) and taught in Brussels from 1964, from 1968 to 1997 at the chair of Spanish. From 1986 to 1992 she was General Secretary of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (AIH).

Elsa Dehennin was the holder of the Orden de Isabel la Católica . She was married to the politician Marc Galle (1930-2007).

Other works

  • Cantico de Jorge Guillén: une poésie de la clarté, Brussels 1969
  • Antithèse, oxymore et paradoxisme. Approches rhétoriques de la poésie de José Gorostiza, Paris 1973
  • (Ed. With Henk Haverkate) Lingüística y estilística de textos, Amsterdam 1994
  • Del realismo español al fantástico hispanoamericano. Estudios de narratología, Geneva 1996
  • (Ed. With Christian De Paepe) Principios modernos y creatividad expresiva en la poesía española contemporánea. Poemas y ensayos, Amsterdam 2009

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