Elstermühle Gorsdorf

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The Elstermühle Gorsdorf was a mill on the Black Elster in the Gorsdorf district of Jessen (Elster) in the German state Saxony-Anhalt . It belonged to a manor and was at the same time a leasehold mill.

History and owner

In 1555 Junker Hans von Reysen was enfeoffed with the mill. After his death, his wife Euphemia von Reysen managed the mill until 1573. The Electoral Saxon Council and Professor Dr. jur. Michael Teuber was then awarded the fief by Elector August von Sachsen in the same year. In 1588, Hofrat Dr. Andreas Rauchbar was enfeoffed with the manor and the mill by the then Elector Christian I. During the Thirty Years War the mill was destroyed and burned down. The reconstruction as the owner was then carried out by Johann Heinrich von Kuffer, who was electoral Saxon colonel and commander of the city of Wittenberg . With the beginning of the rafting of wood on the Schwarzen Elster and the new digging , the mill operation was also confronted with problems. The owner at the time requested the construction of a new flood ditch in order to reduce the obstacle to the rafts caused by the mill. In 1801, the manor owners, the Polenz siblings, owned the mill. The master miller at the time was Karl Gottlieb Rügler, who returned his lease to the owners. In 1817 it was sold to Johann Friedrich Förster who at that time also owned the mill in Gerbismühle. In 1818 he moved to Gorsdorf after he had sold his property in Gerbismühle. Over the next eleven years, master miller Förster invested in various construction measures on the mill and the associated property. Financially overstrained, he announced in the then Schweinitzer Kreisblatt the voluntary foreclosure on the mill. The property was sold to Johann Friedrich Christian Thieme by the responsible court in 1830. In 1853 he married the daughter of the previous owner as a second marriage. The daughter who emerged from this marriage, Anna Maria Thieme, married master miller Friedrich Richard Hugo Förster from Dohna in 1873 , who took over the milling business. The first-born son, Friedrich Hugo Max Förster, continued to run the business from 1919 after the death of his father and learning the miller's trade.


The set-up of the mill is described in the mill regulation of 1772 as follows: ... four grinding steps with two counters on two drawing wheels , one milling and millet pounding with one counter gear on one drawing wheel, a cutting mill and an oil mill on one drawing wheel. After Friedrich Richard Hugo Förster took over the mill, a steam engine was installed for the additional drive. An exact date for this has not been proven. On September 10, 1919, a diesel engine installed on the foundations of the steam engine was put into operation.


By regulating the Black Elster, the water level was lowered so that the foundations of the mill and the mill buildings, which were built on piling , were in the open air and were therefore exposed to decay. During the Second World War , the damage that had occurred could not be repaired due to a lack of money. At the end of April 1945, Soviet troops blew up a nearby bridge. This also caused severe damage to the mill buildings.

Footnotes and individual references

  1. a b c Eberhard Förster, Annaburger Hefte, Mühlen between Elbe and Schwarzer Elster, 2006
  2. ^ Official inheritance book of the Lochau office, State Archives Magdeburg, Wernigerode branch
  3. a b Home calendar of the Schweinitz district

Coordinates: 51 ° 48 ′ 13 ″  N , 12 ° 52 ′ 3 ″  E