Emathion (son of Tithonus)

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Emathion ( Greek  Ἠμαθίων ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

Emathion is the son of Eos and Tithonus and brother of Memnon , with Diodorus he is the king of Ethiopia , in the library of Apollodorus of Arabia. Quintus of Smyrna names him as the husband of the Pedasis and father of Atymnios . He is killed by Heracles while he was on his way to get the apples for the Hesperides .


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Individual evidence

  1. Hesiod , Theogony 984.
  2. a b Diodorus 4, 27.
  3. a b Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 5, 11.
  4. ^ Quintus of Smyrna 3, 800.