Emicho (Württemberg)

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Emicho was a Swabian nobleman of the 12th century from the House of Württemberg .

Emicho was mentioned in documents several times between 1139 and 1154 together with his older brother, Count Ludwig I of Württemberg . He was probably a son of Conrad II of Württemberg and Hadelwig.

When the park of Ludwigsburg Palace was redesigned between 1798 and 1802, a tower structure based on the ideas of Duke Friedrich II of Württemberg and plans by Nikolaus Friedrich von Thouret was built, which was named after Emicho Emichsburg . Today the Emichsburg is used as a Rapunzel tower in the fairytale garden of the castle park .


Individual evidence

  1. For example in 1140 as a witness in a contract for the Hirsau monastery, see: Eugen Schneider (Hrsg.): Codex Hirsaugiensis (= Württembergische Geschichtsquellen. Volume 1). Stuttgart 1887, pages 39 and 67f.