Endy Hupperich

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Endy Hupperich (* 1967 in Kaufbeuren ) is a German artist.


From 1990 to 1997 he studied painting and graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with Helmut Sturm and Robin Page (master class with Helmut Sturm). In 2002 and 2004 he was visiting professor for painting and drawing at the "Escuela Nacional de las Artes" La Esmeralda "in Mexico City . From 2006 to 2013 he taught drawing and free design at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences . From 2008 to 2014, Hupperich was artistic and scientific assistant at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with Markus Oehlen . Hupperich has been a lecturer at the Art Academy Bad Reichenhall since 2007. He has been a lecturer in painting at the Centro Morelense de las Artes in Cuernavaca and has a teaching position at the TU Dortmund. Hupperich lives and works in Mexico City and Munich.

Public collections

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. biography
  2. < https://www.galerie-tobias-schrade.de/kuenstler/endy-hupperich/#tab-artist-bio