
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Basic data
Country Indonesia
region Sulawesi Selatan
district EnrekangTemplate: Infobox administrative unit / maintenance / other
surface 291.2 km²
Residents 30,260 (2010)
density 104 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 ID-SN

Coordinates: 3 ° 34 ′  S , 119 ° 46 ′  E

Enrekang is a city and a separate district ( Kecamatan ) in the administrative district ( Kabupaten ) Enrekang in the province of South Sulawesi , Indonesia . Enrekang has 30,260 inhabitants (2010) and is the headquarters of the administrative district of the same name. In Enrekang the Mata Allo flows into the Sadang river.

The district is divided into 14 Desa and 4 Kelurahan:


  1. Karueng
  2. Cemba
  3. Tungka
  4. Temban
  5. Buttu Batu
  6. Tallu Bamba
  7. Tuara
  8. Lembang
  9. Rosoan
  10. Lewaja
  11. Ranga
  12. Kaluppini
  13. Tobalu
  14. Tokkonan


  1. Leoran
  2. Galonta
  3. Juppandang
  4. Puserren