Eppinger Volksbote

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The Eppinger Volksbote was a newspaper that appeared from 1868 to 1911 in Eppingen , Baden .

On October 1, 1868, the printer Friedrich Reuter, a citizen of Mosbach , founded the Eppinger Zeitung , as the district town of Eppingen did not have its own newspaper until now . In 1872 Carl Jacob Gilliard, printer and citizen of Heidelberg , took over the newspaper.

The Eppinger Volksbote soon became the official gazette of the Eppingen district, which means that all official notices from the communities, the district office and other state offices were published there.

After the Eppinger Zeitung was founded in 1897 , two newspapers competed for readers in the Eppingen area. The last owner Johann Georg Funk (born August 4, 1855), owner of a book printer, closed the newspaper in 1911.


  • Karl Diefenbacher: Ortssippenbuch Eppingen in Kraichgau . Interest group Badischer Ortssippenbücher, Lahr-Dinglingen 1984 ( German Ortssippenbücher, series A. Volume 109) ( Badische Ortssippenbücher . Volume 52).