Erasmus Rotenbucher

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Erasmus Rotenbucher (also Rothenpucher , Rottenbücher , real name Haunreuter , also Hannreither, Haureuther ; * around 1525 in Braunau am Inn , Bavaria , † July 13th (?, Buried 15th) July 1586 in Nuremberg ) was co-administrator of the Egidiengymnasium in Nuremberg and song collector .

He was a great music lover and connoisseur and, on the occasion of social gatherings, published two large compilations, one with sacred and one with secular chants for tenor and bass singers.



  • Bergkreyen 1551: to two votes
  • Proverbs from the Psalms and spiritual songs
  • Beautiful and lovely Zwiegesänge (Diphona amoena et florida; selectore Erasmo Rotenbuchero, Boiaro) for two voices; 1542-51
  • Oratio paraenetica ecclesiam verbo Dei gubernari, cuius, ut inquit Augustinus, maior est autoritas, quàm omnis humani ingenij capacitas: Continens simul et boni et pij Ecclesiastae exemplum ; 1551


  2. Contains works by: A. Agricola, Arnold von Bruck, G. Blackenmüller, A. Brumel, L. Compère, A. Divitis, M. Eckel, A. Erich, Eustachius Romanus, G. Fabricio, A. Févin, G. Forster, A. Gardane, M. Gascongne, J. Gernwein, Gosse, J. Heller, Lupus Hesdin, H. Isaac, Jacotin, Maistre Jhan, Josquin, Lampadius, P. de La Rue, M. Lasson, G. Le Heurteur , S. Mahu, P. Moulu, J. Obrecht, J. Ockeghem, C. Rain, B. Resinarius, O. Reytter, J. Richafort, L. Senfl, J. Stahel, T. Stoltzer, T. Susato, J Thamant, Verbonet, A. Willaert, and P. Wüst.