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Strangling (in English literature strangling , ligature strangulation ) describes the strangulation of a living being by tightening a noose .

The essential distinguishing feature of strangling is the use of a tool, for example a garrot . Unlike the hanging end of the tool is not fixed above the body, so that it includes both self - as well as to foreign killings can act. Depending on the shape of the tool and the compression, the veins, arteries and airways are compressed. Although there are rare deaths from carotid sinus reflex , death usually occurs from respiratory arrest and not from interruption of the blood flow to the brain.

The term also stands for a method of execution that was mainly used from antiquity to the late Middle Ages , in the GDR until 1950 (see Waldheimer Trials ) and in Western Europe (Spain) until 1974. Mostly it was leaders of defeated enemies, such as Vercingetorix , who were executed in this way, as it was considered a particular shame not to find the "worthy death" of a warrior (on the battlefield) or a man of honor (by beheading ). The condemned sat or stood facing the assembled people while his larynx was crushed on his back with a noose that was twisted with a stick. In ancient Rome, however, this was not a public execution, as it always took place in the Carcer Tullianus State Prison, closed to the public. The executed man was released to the public after his death and thrown into the Tiber a few days later.

Web links

  • Lecture notes (PDF; 2.6 MB) on forensic medicine at the University of Bern. See chapter "Oxygen deficiency".

Individual evidence

  1. PV Guharaj: Forensic Medicine . Orient Blackswan, 2003, ISBN 978-81-250-2488-0 , p. 179.
  2. ^ Romina Schiavone, Marcus Reuter (editor): Hazardous plaster. Crime in the Roman Empire. In: Xantener reports , Volume 21, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2011