Erfurt home letter

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Erfurt home letter
Erfurt hb.svg
description Organ of publication of the Vereinigung Heimattreue Erfurter
language German
First edition February 1961
attitude June 1992
Frequency of publication half-yearly
Editor-in-chief Selmar Bühling (1961–1977)
Carl Haußknecht (1978–1981) Robert Trauernicht (1981–1983) Lorenz Drehmann (1984–1992)
editor Association Heimattreue Erfurt
ZDB 522143-2
Erfurt Heimatbrief No. 13 from 1966

The Erfurter Heimatbrief (EHB) was the publication organ of the Vereinigung Heimattreue Erfurter , an association of Erfurt residents living in West Germany. The Erfurt Heimatbrief was published every six months in 64 issues from 1961 to 1992. It is a treasure trove for those interested in local history.


The editor and first editor of the Erfurt Heimatbrief was from 1961 to 1977 Selmar Bühling , the chairman of the Erfurt home loyalty association founded in 1960. The former Erfurt publisher Heinz Heise can be considered a co-founder .

The letter was intended for Erfurt residents in the Federal Republic of West Berlin and in other western countries, but it was also unofficially read in Erfurt. The first 30-page edition was printed in 2,400 copies. Later, the illustrated booklets usually comprised around 80 pages, in a special edition 140 pages. In 1965 7,500 copies were printed, later mostly 5,000. It was expected to reach around 10,000 Erfurt residents. A subscription fee was not levied, the financing was exclusively through donations. Regularly asked to return (for passing on) homeland letters that were no longer used.

The content of the letters consisted of, among other things: family news from Erfurt and from Erfurt in the west, reports on anniversary events and home meetings, wanted notices, announcements and reports on home meetings, requests for contributions and donations, events in Erfurt and the surrounding area, especially the expiry of Alt-Erfurt, on the demolition and construction activities in the city, book reviews and historical contributions, primarily by contemporary witnesses.

The current news from Erfurt came partly from the regional press, unofficial sources were pensioners from Erfurt or visitors to Erfurt from the west. Michael Opinion, editor of the Thüringer Tageblatt (the Eastern CDU) in Erfurt, played a special role . “In the last few years of the SED dictatorship, the editors of the SFIVET have him to thank for some pointers and background information that he did not pass on without danger to his existence. Without this, the 'Half-Year Gazette' would not have been so interesting ... and up-to-date ”. The SFIVET also thanked the retiree Emmy Stapf from Erfurt, who, despite her old age, regularly collected obituaries from local newspapers in Erfurt and sent them to the editors under changing senders at cover addresses.

After Bühling's death in 1977, Carl Haußknecht was the responsible editor until 1981.

With the self-dissolution of the Vereinigung Heimattreue Erfurter at the end of 1992, the Erfurt Heimatbrief also ceased to appear. The 64 booklets from February 1961 to June 1992 were followed by a “Letter from Erfurt” on the last meeting of the Erfurt loyalists on September 4, 1992, which was also the only one in Erfurt itself. In addition to the series, a volume in the format of the EHB "Erfurt in old postcards" was published in 1978 under the editing of Carl Haußknecht.

There are two register volumes of the EHB: 1961–1987 and 1988–1992. The first appeared in 1988, the second in 2012.


  • "Erfurter Heimatbrief" 1 to 64 (1961 to 1992), published by the association "Heimattreue Erfurter"
  • "Letter from Erfurt" for the meeting of the Erfurt loyal people on September 4th, 1992 in Erfurt. Editor: Rudolf Mohr. Publisher Verlag Heinz Heise GmbH, Hanover, 1992

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. EHB No. 62 (1991), p. 24