Ergun Poyraz

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Ergün Poyraz (2016)

Ergün Poyraz (born January 31, 1963 in Ankara ) is a controversial bestselling author in Turkey. He takes anti-Semitic positions and spreads conspiracy theories.


Poyraz was born in Ankara. He began studying at Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi in 1983 , but dropped out in the second year and married in 1985. The divorce took place in 1988. Poyraz then worked as a cattle farmer in the village of Çakırbeyli ( Aydın Province ) and later he took over the administration for a construction company . After his military service, Poyraz returned to his family in Çakırbeyli and began writing at the age of 32.

Topics and positions

Poyraz wrote a. a. Books about the Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi , Recep Tayyip Erdoğan , Fethullah Gülen , Jews , Christian missionaries, Christianity , Abdullah Gül , Bülent Arınç , Süleyman Demirel and the USA . He is viewed as an extremely secular nationalist conspiracy theorist and an anti-Semite.

In his book Musa'nın Çocukları: Tayyip ve Emine (Istanbul 2007), which topped the bestseller list in 2007, Poyraz claims that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (“Tayyip”) and his wife are Jews. Erdoğan's mother is a Georgian Jew and his Judaism has been confirmed by the fact that he condemns anti-Semitism. The wife is allegedly an Arab Jew. Behind Erdoğan's rise to power were Jews, namely the Jewish Anti-Defamation League . Jews wanted to convert the secular system of Turkey into an Islamic system. In the same book (p. 110) Poyraz claims the existence of an "International Jew" (cf. The International Jew ) who secretly rules the world.

In the book Musa'nın Gülü (Istanbul 2007), Poyraz postulates that Abdullah Gül is a crypto- Jew. In Musa'nın Çocukları, Poyraz takes the view that it was the Jewish Freemason Morton I. Abramowitz who discovered Erdoğan as a functionary of the Refah party in Istanbul and initiated his rise. A Turkish Jew and an Israeli agent also participated. According to Poyraz 'book Musa'nın AKP'si (Istanbul, 2007), the Jews were supported by the intelligence services of the USA and Great Britain in founding the AKP.

In the book Dünden Bugüne Hıristiyanlığın ve Yahudiliğin Analizi, Misyonerler Arasında 6 Ay writes Poyraz u. a. that Christians in the Balkan War raped a Muslim woman, made mince out of her baby and then forced the mother to eat it. The Bible promotes prostitution and adultery, etc. Christianity is a hideous belief that perverts, murderers and thieves go to heaven. Wherever you open the Bible, you came across the lies of Jesus.

Detention and Trials

Poyraz was arrested in July 2007 as part of the Ergenekon trial , in which all judgments in 2016 were overturned by the Court of Cassation , and sentenced to more than 29 years in prison in August 2013. After more than six years in prison, Poyraz was released in 2014. During his pre-trial detention, Poyraz was charged with violating religious feelings and insulting Christianity. The subject of the proceedings were statements in his book Dünden Bugüne Hıristiyanlığın ve Yahudiliğin Analizi, Misyonerler Arasında 6 Ay . The first instance proceedings ended with an acquittal, which was overturned and remitted by the Court of Cassation in 2008. Also during his detention in connection with the Ergenekon trial, Poyraz wrote the book İplikçi . In it, he describes how Erdoğan allegedly lived in luxury during his several months' imprisonment in 1999, and named a person who provided Erdoğan with benefits. This sued Poyraz. At the end of the trial, Poyraz was sentenced to 174 community hours in 2015, during which he had to clean up the Çakırbeyli cemetery and later the Muhtar's garden .


  • Refah'ın gerçek yüzü (Ankara 1996)
  • Fetullah'ın Gerçek Yüzü (Istanbul 2000)
  • Patlak Ampul (Istanbul 2002)
  • Kanla Abdest Alanlar (Istanbul 2003)
  • Çoban Sülü (Istanbul 2004)
  • AKPapa'nın Temel İçgüdüsü (Istanbul 2004)
  • Tarikat Siyaset Ticaret Cinayet (Istanbul 2006)
  • Musa'nın Çocukları (Istanbul 2007)
  • Musa'nın Gülü (Istanbul 2007)
  • Hilafet Ordusundan Arap Kürt Partisi'ne (Istanbul 2007)
  • Musa'nın mücahiti (Istanbul 2007)
  • Amerika'daki İmam (Istanbul 2009)
  • Takunyalı Guide (Istanbul 2010)
  • Kalpazan (Ankara 2011)
  • İplikçi, kirli ilişkiler yumağı (Ankara 2013)
  • Büyük Yalan Büyük Düşman AB (Istanbul 2013)
  • İndeki Vaiz (Istanbul 2014)
  • Aksarayda İnecek Var (Ankara 2015)
  • Eksik Etek (co-author, 2015)
  • Ihanet ve Darbe: Emperyalizmle El Ele (Istanbul 2016)
  • Evlat (co-author, 2016)
  • Faili Meçhul mü (Ankara 2016)
  • Tilkiyle Vals: İhale - Rant - Para (Istanbul 2017)
  • Diplomasiz: Bir Varmış, Bir Yokmuş ... (Istanbul 2017)
  • Masonlar (Istanbul 2018)
  • Dünden Bugüne Didim (Istanbul 2018)
  • Adnan Oktar'ın gerçek yüzü (Istanbul 2018)
  • İsa ve Havarileri (Istanbul 2019)
  • Abdülhamit'ten Tayyip'e (Istanbul 2020)
  • AKP'nin AB ile Dansı (Istanbul 2020)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hürriyet Daily News, December 25, 2013
  2. Die Welt, May 9, 2011
  3. Quoted from Marc David Baer: An Enemy Old and New: The Dönme, Anti-Semitism, and Conspiracy Theories in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic, in: The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume 103, No. 4. 2013, p. 523 .
  4. Quoted from Marc David Baer: An Enemy Old and New: The Dönme, Anti-Semitism, and Conspiracy Theories in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic, in: The Jewish Quarterly Review, Volume 103, No. 4. 2013, pp. 543f .
  5. ^ Daily newspaper Radikal, May 3, 2008
  6. Sözcü newspaper from March 5, 2015