Erhard Brude

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Erhard Brude (also Erich or Erhardt, * 1874 in Stuttgart ; † 1959 there ) was a German painter of the 20th century who mainly created landscape pictures and portraits.

Live and act

Brude studied in Stuttgart and at the Munich Art Academy . He painted landscapes and portraits from a naturalistic perspective.

After the foundation of the New Secession in Stuttgart in the spring of 1929, an exhibition by the young artist community was opened in the building of the Württemberg Art Association on August 20 of the same year. In addition to Erhard Brude, Alfred Lehmann, Manfred Pahl , Gustav Schopf , Manfred Henninger , Walter H. Kohler and Heinrich Wägenbaur were represented with their works. The catalog for the exhibition says: "Erhardt Brude paints, unconcerned about all the upscale and educated art conventions, his landscapes and figurative objects with a naivety, the products of which have a refreshing distance from all the educational depressions of our confusing times."

Solo exhibitions:
1957 Langenburg (Hohenlohe)
1960 Bad Mergentheim, castle


  • W. Fleischhauer / J. Tree / St. Kobell: Swabian Art in the 19th and 20th Centuries , Stuttgart 1952, p. 205.

Individual evidence
