Erhart Griesser

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Erhart Griesser (* probably in Wels ; † 1445 in Vienna ) was an Austrian merchant and councilor from Vienna .


Griesser, who came from Upper Austria, was first mentioned in Vienna in 1422. His cousin was the Viennese canon Sigmund Scheihel. He was from 1428 to 1431 chamber clerk for Duke Albrecht , from 1434 to 1437 ducal cellar clerk and 1442–45 councilor. Griesser owned a house on Graben No. 1134 Zum golden Kopf , today part of the Grabenhof at No. 14-15, in which he had the Barbara Chapel, a house chapel, built in 1433. He also owned the Oswaldhof in Altmannsdorf , a town south of Vienna, to which the St. Oswald chapel and some fields belonged. In 1443 he created the Griesser Foundation and bequeathed the estate in Altmannsdorf to the Augustinians who were shoed (later on the Landstrasse). This building later became Altmannsdorf Castle . In 1437 Griesser was exempted from all taxes on the Kattermühle (today Schönbrunn) by the landlord, Klosterneuburg Abbey , and in 1442 he was able to acquire the mill. After his death it was given to his sister Margaret Vaist. Griesser also owned the Niederhof in Meidling.



  • Richard Perger: The Viennese councilors 1396-1526 ; in: Research and contributions to the history of the city of Vienna, Vol. 18. Vienna 1988
  • Walter Aspernig: On the origin of the Viennese canon Sigmund Schleihel and his cousin Erhard Griesser, chamber clerk Duke Albrechts and citizen of Vienna ; in: Wiener Geschichtsblätter 1991
  • Felix Czeike : Historical Lexicon Vienna . Volume 2: De - Gy . Kremayr & Scheriau, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-218-00544-2 .