Recovery time

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The recovery time is a part of the working time and there after REFA from the sum of target times of all the end portions which are necessary for a human being from a previous, above the endurance limit lying from a workload resulting work strain to recover. It refers to the unit of measure 1.

Colloquially, the recovery time can be confused with the rest period , the non-working time between two working days . However, this is a part of the time that does not belong to working hours and must be at least 11 hours according to §5.1 ArbZG.

It is therefore not a work break in the sense of the Working Hours Act , but an interruption of work that occurs depending on the type of work to be performed and should be provided as soon as possible after the use. Under certain circumstances, times for process-related interruptions and disruption-related interruptions can be shown as recovery times. Through suitable work structuring , in particular through the work organization of the job rotation , the stress can often be compensated for by changing the workload instead of a recovery period.

The recovery time can also be specified in the form of a percentage recovery supplement to the base time :

Z er = recovery time supplement
t er = recovery time
t g = bottom time

Procedure for determining recovery times

There are a number of techniques that can be used to determine necessary recovery times. Since this is an aspect that is in the focus of the collective bargaining and operating parties, not just any one can be used. REFA indicates the following procedures:

  • Analytical method for determining recovery time,
  • Determination of the recovery times with the help of boards for energy consumption ,
  • Physiological procedures for determining recovery time and
  • long-term time recording ("long -term recording ").

In addition to this information, a REFA standard program for determining recovery time is part of the REFA methodology . The process is quite controversial among ergonomists . However, it has the advantages of being easy to learn to use, of causing relatively little application effort and, above all, as a REFA method, of being coordinated with the collective bargaining parties . This considerably simplifies the operational application in a controversial tariff area.

In view of significant advances in automation , work design and the considerable relocation of physically labor-intensive production processes abroad, it is seldom necessary to determine recovery times in Germany.


  1. REFA - Association for Work Studies and Business Organization e. V. (Ed.): Methodology of business organization. Lexicon of the company organization. Carl Hanser, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-446-17523-7 , p. 71.
  2. Working Hours Act , ArbZG §5.1 : § 5 ArbZG - single standard . Retrieved June 14, 2019 .
  3. ^ Holger Luczak: Ergonomics. 2nd, completely revised edition. Springer, Berlin et al. 1998, ISBN 3-540-59138-9 , p. 655.