Erich Bretschneider (art dealer)

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Erich Bretschneider (* around 1880 ; † around 1947 ) was a German art dealer in Leipzig .


The carpenter Gustav Bretschneider at Elsterstrasse 16 in Leipzig was probably his father. In 1906 Erich Bretschneider opened an art shop at Harkortstraße 7, where he also offered framing and gilding. There he also made it possible for young artists to exhibit their works (1929 Walter Möbius ).

Erich Bretschneider died around 1947. In 1949 Anna Bretschneider (widow or daughter) was the business owner of the Erich Bretschneider art dealer in Harkortstraße.

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Individual evidence

  1. Leipziger address book for 1907 , p. 71, common address
  2. ^ Exhibition Walter Möbius. Paintings, etchings, drawings. Noske, Leipzig 1929, exhibition catalog
  3. Leipzig address book , 1949, p. 86