Erich Klingelhöfer

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Erich Klingelhöfer (born March 20, 1919 in Eibelshausen ; † May 7, 1985 in Wiesbaden ) was a German historian, classical philologist and senior director of studies.


Klingelhöfer received his doctorate in historical Medieval studies from Edmund E. Stengel in Marburg in 1948/49 . His dissertation on the subject of the imperial laws of 1220, 1231/32 and 1235. Their becoming and their effect in the German state of Frederick II (1955), the assumptions of which go back to those of Paul Kirn , is considered a milestone in historical legal research. Together with the critical review by Erich Schrader, Klingelhöfer's results are groundbreaking to this day for the assessment of the imperial laws of Emperor Frederick II and, furthermore, Communis Opinio of historical legal research.

Since the publication of the dissertation, the accusation of neglecting German interests towards Friedrich II has fallen silent. With the princely privileges ( confoederatio cum principibus ecclesiasticis of 1220 and statutum in favorem principum of 1231/32) the emperor only sanctioned a legal status that had already been implemented, but by no means established or promoted sovereignty. In the Peace of Mainz of 1235, the emperor had proven himself to be the highest authority, set limits to sovereignty and returned the regalia to the sovereignty of the crown.

Klingelhöfer was the head of the Ludwig-Georgs-Gymnasium in Darmstadt.


  • Origins and effects of the imperial laws of Emperor Frederick II of 1220, 1231/32 and 1235. Machine script. Dissertation Marburg 1948/49.
  • The imperial laws of 1220, 1231/32 and 1235. Their development and their effect in the German state of Friedrich II. Böhlau, Weimar 1955.


  • Erich Schrader: Origins and effects of the imperial laws of Frederick II of 1220, 1231/1232 and 1235 . In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History (ZRG), German Department (GA) 68, 1951, pp. 354–396. (New version in: Stupor Mundi. On the history of Friedrich II. Von Hohenstaufen . Ed . By Gunther Wolf. Darmstadt 1966, pp. 420–454.)
  • Elfie-Marita Eibl: Klingelhöfer, Schrader and the imperial laws of Emperor Friedrich II. - My entry into medieval studies. In: Turbata per aequora mundi. Thanks to Eckhard Müller-Mertens. Ed. V. Olaf B. Rader . Hannover 2001, pp. 27-34.
  • Paul Kirn : The merits of the Staufer emperors to the German Empire. In: Stupor Mundi. On the history of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen . Ed. V. Gunther Wolf. Darmstadt 1966, pp. 194-221.