Erik Abrahamsen

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Erik Abrahamsen (born April 9, 1893 in Brande (Jutland), † February 17, 1949 in Copenhagen ) was a Danish musicologist. Abrahamsen studied at the University and the Conservatory in Copenhagen. From 1918 to 1921 he was head of the music department of the Royal Library in Copenhagen. In 1919 he published Liturgisk Musik i den danske Kirke efter Reformationen . He then studied with Peter Wagner in Freiburg, Switzerland . He received his doctorate there with a thesis on the Eléments romans et allemands dans le chant grégorien et la chanson populaire en Denmark (Publications de l'Académie Grégorienne de Friborg, Suisse, Cahier XI, Copenhagen 1923).


  • Wilibald Gurlitt, Carl Dahlhaus (editor): Riemann Musik-Lexikon. In three volumes and two supplementary volumes. Abrahamsen, Erik. 12th completely revised edition. 1. Personal section A – KB Schotts-Söhne, Mainz 1959, p. 4 (first edition: 1882).