Erland Samuel Bring

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Erland Samuel Bring

Erland Samuel Bring (born August 19, 1736 in Ausås, Ängelholm municipality , † May 20, 1798 in Lund ) was a Swedish mathematician.

Bring studied law at Lund University from 1750 to 1757 . He later taught history there, but his main interest was mathematics. In 1790 he became rector of the university.

His main work Meletemata quaedam mathematica circa transformationem aequationum algebraicarum , published in Lund in 1786, describes his research results on the solution of equations. The Jerrard Bring normal form of a fifth degree equation is named after Bring . Accordingly, an equation of the fifth degree can be converted to an equation of the form by a polynomial transformation

reduce, whereby apart from this simplified equation only equations up to the fourth degree have to be solved.


  • Meletemata quaedem mathematica circa transformationem aequationem algebraicarum, Lund 1786
    • The main content was later presented here: Quarterly J. Math., 6, 1864, pp. 45–47, free of charge on Google Play (as well as in Annali di Mat.)

Individual evidence

  • Gottwald, Ilgauds, Schlote Lexicon of Important Mathematicians , Leipzig 1990