Erlanger City Lexicon

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The Erlangen City Lexicon is an online encyclopedia about the city of Erlangen with full-text search options.


Print output

On the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of Erlangen's first documentary mention as villa Erlangon in 1002, Max and Justine Elsner donated the necessary funds to publish an Erlangen city dictionary . At the end of 1998 work began on compiling the content. It was printed by Tümmels Verlag in Nuremberg, where the lexicon was published in September 2002. The editors were Christoph Friederich , Bertold von Haller and Andreas Jakob as part of the eight-person editorial team.

The 784-page work consists of an essay section with 21 essays by various authors, a lexicon section (highlighted with decorative initials) and a statistical appendix. In the preface, Lord Mayor Siegfried Balleis described the work as a review of 1000 years of Erlangen, which mainly describes the city's past and present. Around 1951 keyword articles were presented by the approximately 200 authors. The three editors mentioned in the foreword that the topics of the essays range from prehistory through the present to the future with development prospects for the city of Erlangen. The lexicon part mainly describes the history, art, culture, politics, economy and administration of the city. It contains 439 biographies and around 1000 illustrations. A database for the lexicon was also created.

Online lexicon

The lexicon was put online in a modified form (without images) by the Erlangen City Archives . Here, full-text research can be used to find terms and contexts that do not have their own keyword in the print edition; reference terms are linked in it. The online lexicon is not subject to any updates and is therefore still at the status of the print edition from 2002. For licensing reasons, the images could not be included.


  • Christoph Friederich et al. (Ed.): Erlanger Stadtlexikon . Tümmels, Nuremberg 2002, ISBN 3-921590-89-2 .

Web links

Single references

  1. Erlanger City Lexicon. City of Erlangen, accessed on September 27, 2014 .