Ernestine from Ligne

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Portrait of Ernestine Yolande Princess de Ligne

Ernestine Yolande de Ligne (born November 2, 1594 in Ronse ; † June 4, 1668 ibid) was the daughter of Prince Lamoral de Ligne and Maria von Melun .

She spent her youth in the Spanish Netherlands . She married John VIII of Nassau-Siegen (called the Younger ) on August 13, 1618 in Brussels . The marriage was rich in children, the longed-for successor for the new Catholic line of the house Nassau-Siegen , but did not materialize until July 28, 1627 in the form of Johann Franz Desideratus . Since he was more concerned with his Flemish possessions throughout his life, he was under the tutelage of his mother until his wedding in 1651. After Count Johann Moritz returned from Brazil (1644/45), a heated debate broke out in front of the Reichshofrat in Vienna about the wills of Johann VII.

Finally, the will of 1621 was made by Emperor Ferdinand III. Ratified in 1648, i.e. the tripartite division of the already small county was enforced.