Ernst Strüngmann Forum

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The atmospheric physicist Jost Heintzenberg during the public discussion in March 2008 at hr

The Ernst Strüngmann Forum is a conference series initiated by the neurophysiologist Wolf Singer and financed by Ernst Strüngmann's sons, Andreas and Thomas , on major contemporary problems such as B. Neurosciences , Syntax Development, Climate Research and Sustainability. The first conference had been prepared since October 2006 and took place in June 2007. The Science Forum is affiliated with the the neurophysiologist Wolf Singer and the physicist Walter Greiner launched Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS).

Ernst Strüngmann forums take place several times a year and continue the concept of the Berlin Dahlem Conferences in Frankfurt am Main . The topics and participants (selected international top researchers) of each week-long conference are selected by the forum's scientific advisory board, which is also supposed to guarantee the scientific independence and integrity of the events. The focus of the conferences is not lectures on research, but interdisciplinary, open discussions on gaps in knowledge that can contribute to the formulation of new working hypotheses. The work results are published in collaboration with MIT-Press .

The conferences have been held in the FIAS building on the Riedberg campus since 2008 . The concept of the conferences also means that Thursday afternoon is dedicated to a public discussion event.


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