Ernst Alexander Schmidt

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Ernst Alexander Schmidt (born October 25, 1801 in Magdeburg , † May 20, 1857 in Berlin ) was a German historian . His focus was the history of the Middle Ages and modern times.

Schmidt completed his studies at Berlin University in 1824 with the dissertation De fontibus Conradi Salici eiusque temporis indole . He completed his habilitation there on March 21, 1827 and then held historical courses at the Royal Cadet School in Berlin. At the same time he was employed as a private lecturer and later as an associate professor at the university. In 1851 he retired for health reasons.

His best-known writings are: History of Aragon in the Middle Ages (Leipzig 1828), History of France (481 to 1774) in four volumes (Hamburg 1835–1848) and Outline of World History for high schools and other higher education institutions and for self-teaching for the educated (Berlin 1835) . This work had the greatest success of all and was reprinted several times after his death, most recently in the eighth edition in 1864.


  • Friedrich Ascherson (ed.): Documents on the history of the jubilee celebration of the Royal Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin in October 1860 , Berlin 1863, p. 253.
  • Reimer Hansen, Wolfgang Ribbe, Willi Paul Adams (eds.): History in Berlin in the 19th and 20th centuries , Berlin / New York 1992, p. 157, note 22.

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