Harvest knife

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Sickle (reconstruction) around 5,000 BC Chr.

The harvest knife is the prehistoric forerunner, perhaps also a temporary companion, of the sickle by which it was ultimately replaced. Along with the sickle, it is one of the oldest cultural tools. For the shaft see: shaft (prehistory and early history) .

Harvest knives were already used in the Proto-Natufian around 15,000 BC. In the Levant for cutting wild grain. In contrast to the sickle, they consisted of straight wood or pieces of antler into which flint blades were glued with resin or similar material .


  • Johannes Hoops, Heinrich Beck, Dieter Geuenich, Heiko Steuer: Simple forms - Eugippius, Volume 7 of Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Walter de Gruyter, 2nd edition, 1998, ISBN 978-3110114454 , p. 520 ( online ).