First progress report by the IPCC
The IPCC's First Assessment Report was completed in August 1990. He served as the basis for the Framework Convention on Climate of the United Nations (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC). The IPCC reports, which are published every five to six years, are considered to be the “consensus position within climatological experts” with regard to the impact of humans on the earth's climate.
The report was prepared and published in three sections corresponding to the three scientific working groups of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change .
- Working Group I: Scientific Assessment of Climate Change, June 1990, by John Houghton , GJ Jenkins, and JJ Ephraums
- Working Group II: Impacts Assessment of Climate Change, July 1990, by WJ McG. Tegart, GW Sheldon, and DC Griffiths
- Working Group III The IPCC Response Strategies, October 1990,
The summarizing synthesis appeared in March 1990 .
Web links
- IPCC 1990 First Assessment Report Overview Chapter (PDF; 1.4 MB)
- IPCC 1990 FAR - Working Group I: Scientific Assessment of Climate Change
- IPCC 1990 FAR - Working Group II: Impacts Assessment of Climate Change
- IPCC 1990 FAR - Working Group III: The IPCC Response Strategies
- Website of the German IPCC coordination office