Ertekin Özcan

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Ertekin Özcan (* 1946 in Çayırli-Erzincan / Turkey ) is a Turkish poet , non-fiction author, lawyer and political scientist who has lived in Germany since 1973 .


After studying law in Istanbul (1970), Özcan worked as a lawyer until he entered West Berlin . This was followed by postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the Free University of Berlin . After completing his doctorate in economics and social sciences at the Free University of Berlin in 1988, Özcan taught at various Berlin institutes such as the Free University of Berlin, FHSS Berlin, and FHfVR Berlin. He is a project manager and research assistant in the “New Education” working group. V., but also in the Turkish Parents 'Association in Berlin-Brandenburg, later he becomes Federal Chairman of the Federation of Turkish Parents' Associations in Germany . Özcan is the father of two daughters.

Özcan is co-founder and founding chairman of the following other German-Turkish associations:

  • the HDF -Federation of Social Democratic People's Associations in Europe- (1977-1979), the Turkish Parents Association in Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. (1985–1988),
  • of the ISD Association of Intercultural Social Democrats e. V.- (1989-1992),
  • the interest group of Turkish self-help organizations in Berlin (1989–1991),
  • Co-founder and spokesman of the TBB -Turkischer Bund in Berlin-Brandenburg- (1991–1995),
  • Founding chairman of the TGD - Turkish community in Germany and 2nd federal chairman (1994–1997),
  • Co-founder of the FÖTED - Federation of Turkish Parents' Associations in Germany 1995 and its federal chairman (2000–2008), from 2008 honorary chairman.
  • Co-founder of the working group for migrants in the SPD,
  • Member of the GEW (1984-2013), and the KOTTİ e. V.,
  • Parents 'representative in day care centers, schools and member of the District Parents' Committee (1983–1999).


Ertekin Özcan's first independent literary book publication in German-Turkish, the collection of poems "Weine, so dich Taubeehren Hear", appeared in 2002 as a bilingual edition (German / Turkish). The second German-language literary work by Ertekin Özcan is Divided Life - Autobiographical Texts and Poems , which was published by “trafo literaturverlag” at the end of November 2016, with numerous poems, illustrations and photos by the author.

In the early 1970s he had already started to publish poetry in Turkish literary magazines, in Germany he later appeared in magazines and journals such as Writing and Reading , Die Brücke , Unser Deutsch - Bizim Almanca , Volkshochschule or Berliner Morgenpost . Özcan has published the following three volumes of poetry in Turkish in Istanbul: "The Song of Exhaustion", Tükenişin Türküsü . Istanbul 1970; “ Migrant Workers ”, Emek Göçmenleri . Istanbul 1985; “The waters will clear” Sular Durulacak . Istanbul 2008. In December 2017, Özcan published the book (Antologie) Berlin'de Türkçe Şiir (Turkish-language poetry in Berlin), which included the poems of the 26 Turkish-speaking poets living in Berlin.

With the publication of his dissertation The Development of Political Organizations and Political Orientation among Turkish Labor Immigrants in the Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin (West) ( Freie Universität Berlin , 1988), the doctor of law also published his dissertation as Turkish immigrant organizations in the Federal Republic of Germany: the development of political organizations and political Orientation among Turkish labor immigrants in the Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin West (1989, second edition 1992) a non-fiction book success . He carried out a study on criminal law and the penal system, with a special focus on child and youth delinquency in Turkey, at the FHfVR Berlin in 1981 and over 100 German and Turkish-language essays and articles, etc. az B. Turkish minority . In: Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen , Georg Hansen (Hrsg.): Ethnic minorities in the Federal Republic of Germany: A lexicon . 1995 and published in various encyclopedias, books, magazines and newspapers.

See also

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