Erwin Schneiter

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Erwin Schneiter (born November 19, 1917 in Basel ; † February 3, 1990 in Bern ) was a Swiss educator and poet .

Schneiter founded the school and home association . His works from my hours (1942) and I'm looking for you (1944) appeared in several editions by A. Francke Verlag . In 1943 he was awarded the Book Prize of the Swiss Schiller Foundation , in 1944 and 1957 the Literature Prize of the City of Bern and in 1944 the Honorary Gift of the Goethe Foundation . (In 1964 he gave short readings in Junkere 37. ) A legacy that “[fogs] the poetic work in advance” is located in the Burger Library in Bern .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Erwin Schneiter on Literapedia Bern
  4. Martin Germann, Philipp Stämpfli, Annelies Hüssy: Newly developed holdings of the Burgerbibliothek Bern. In: Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde , Volume 60 (1998), Issue 4, p. 255.

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