Once upon a time there was a hedgehog

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Once upon a time there was a hedgehog is a picture book by the Swiss writer Franz Hohler and the Swiss illustrator  Kathrin Schärer . The story is told of special experiences made by various animals. Hohler deals with topics such as love, friendship, longing, being different and helpfulness.

Once upon a time a hedgehog was published in 2011 by Carl Hanser Verlag in German and was also published in Danish and Swedish.


The total of 39 self-contained rhymes deal with descriptions or experiences of a respective object or animal. The first line always begins with "Once upon a time ...". For example, on page 28 there is the story of a flea willing to travel: »Once upon a time there was a flea / He wanted to go to the zoo. / He jumped on a dog / But this dog disappeared / To another place. / Now the flea is there. «

The poems are primarily assigned to nonsense poetry and are decorated with large illustrations that span the entire page. They are mainly written in the pair rhyme (aabb).


One or two new animal species appear in each rhyme, such as B. a hedgehog, a shark, a llama, a chicken or a badger in the foreground. However, Hohler not only uses animals as protagonists, but also allows personified objects such as B. a crane, a hammer or a mountain appear in his poems.

Literary criticism

Once upon a time there was a hedgehog received an overall positive response from the press. The book media magazine praised the nursery rhymes as "[...] small comic masterpieces, perfect for reading in between." (Book media magazine). The 3sat Kulturzeit liked the »series of surprising [n] […] sometimes cheeky, sometimes subtle stories." The Berner Zeitung stated that the book was »[e] in fireworks of language games, in the tradition of Morgenstern and Ringelnatz. […] Without a doubt: This is how poems are fun even for the greatest poetry grouch. «(Berner Zeitung). The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung described the book as "a joke and a third, straight to the heart."

Nominations and Awards

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. List Franz Hohler on the website of Franz Hohler, 2016 (accessed on January 3, 2017)
  2. Buchmedia magazine press release from Hanser Verlag Hanser Literaturverlage, spring / summer 2011 (accessed on January 3, 2017)
  3. 3sat Kulturzeit press release from Hanser Verlag Hanser Literaturverlage, June 10, 2011 (accessed on January 3, 2017)
  4. Press opinion of the Berner Zeitung at Hanser Verlag Hanser Literaturverlage, June 30, 2011 (accessed on January 3, 2017)
  5. Article in the FaZ online version of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, February 9, 2011 (accessed on January 3, 2017)