Escola Secundária Josina Machel

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Main entrance of Escola Secundária Josina Machel to Avenida Patrice Lumumba
The school was founded in 1952 by José Silva Costa designed
The school building complex is a good 9,000 square meters

The Escola Secundária Josina Machel , in German "Secondary School Josina Machel", is a secondary school in the center of the Mozambican capital Maputo . The school opened in 1952 and was initially named Liceu Salazar (for the boys 'school) and Liceu D. Ana da Costa Portugal (for the girls' school). Since 1975 she has been named after the Mozambican resistance fighter and feminist Josina Machel .


The school is located in the central Polana-Cimento A district of the Mozambican capital Maputo. The school grounds are bordered by Avenida Tomás Nduda , the commercial school ( Escola Comercial de Maputo ), Avenidas das Lusíadas and Avenida Patrice Lumumba (with the Jardim dos Professores park ). The official address of the school is Avenida Patrice Lumumba 68.


Construction and opening

With the adoption of the Ato Colonial and the associated legalization of the colony status of Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique), the influx of Portuguese settlers grew strongly in the 1930s. For this reason, the colonial administration decided in 1939 to build a new secondary school, as the Liceu 5 de Outubro, built in 1919, was no longer sufficient. Due to financial problems during the Second World War, there were delays so that construction work on the building could not begin until 1944. The design work was carried out by the architect José Costa Silva , who was also responsible for numerous other colonial school buildings in Angola and Mozambique.

The construction work dragged on until August 1952, so that the opening of the school for the school year 1952/53 could take place on October 6th. Costa Silva designed a 9201 square meter building complex on an area of ​​55,000 square meters consisting of twelve parts, nine of which are three-story and three are two-story. Due to the year-round high temperatures, he planned the complex with numerous outside corridors, all classrooms are still accessible today via covered corridors open to the side. This ensured constant ventilation. In addition to the classrooms, an auditorium, a swimming pool and two sports fields are also part of the complex. At the opening, the school was given two names, as it comprised both a boys 'and a girls' school: Liceu Salazar (for the boys 'school) and Liceu D. Ana Costa de Portugal (for the girls' school).

After Salazar resigned as Prime Minister of Portugal, the school was given a new name in 1968. In commemoration of the founding day of the First Republic, it was henceforth named Liceu 5 de Outubro (Lyceum October 5th).

New country, new name

With the independence of Mozambique from Portugal in 1975, the school was renamed again in 1976, but retained its function as a secondary school. Since then she has borne the name of the FRELIMO resistance fighter and feminist Josina Machel . In 1995/96 the school was redeveloped with one million US dollars from the World Bank .

To this day, the school is considered one of the best equipped state schools in Mozambique. However, drug and safety problems have been present in the school lately. Due to the short distance to the presidential palace ( Palácio da Ponta Vermelha ), the school is also a regular polling station for the incumbent president.

In 2011, 7,874 students attended the facility, more than half (3,990) of them were girls and women. The school teaches in three rounds (morning, afternoon, evening).

Well-known graduates

  • Joaquim Chissano , President of Mozambique (1986–2005), first black student at the school
  • Eusébio , football player


  • José Costa e Silva: Liceu Salazar: Memória Descritiva e Justificativa.
  • Liceu Salazar de Lourenço Marques. Agência Geral do Ultramar, Lisbon 1954.
  • Ainda a Inauguração do Liceu Salazar. Boletim Geral do Ultramar, NamdXXVIII, no. 329. Agência Geral do Ultramar, Lisbon 1952, pp. 108-109.
  • Zara Castelo Alves Ferreira: O Moderno eo Clima na África Lusófona. Arquitectura escolar em Mozambique: o programa de Fernando Mesquita (1955–1975). Dissertation at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, November 2012 ( PDF).
  • André Renga Faria Ferreira: Obras públicas em Moçambique: inventário da produção arquitectónica executada entre 1933 e 1961 , Master's thesis at the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, 2006 ( ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. José Manuel Fernandes: Liceu Salazar (Atual Liceu Josina Machel). In: Património de Influência Portuguesa (HPIP). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, October 18, 2012, accessed August 31, 2014 (Portuguese).
  2. ^ Zara Castelo Alves Ferreira: O Moderno eo Clima na África Lusófona . Arquitectura escolar em Mozambique: o programa de Fernando Mesquita (1955–1975). Ed .: Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. tape 1 . Lisbon November 2012, p. 34 (Portuguese, [PDF] dissertation).
  3. ^ Tiago Lourenço: Liceu Salazar / Liceu D. Ana Costa Portugal / Liceu 05 de Outubro / Escola Josina Machel. In: Sistema de Informação para o Património Arquitectónico (SIPA). 2011, accessed August 31, 2014 (Portuguese).
  4. Ana Vaz Milheiro: Uma portugalidade tropical na arquitectura do Estado Novo. In: Público. December 17, 2013, accessed August 31, 2014 (Portuguese).
  5. a b Chissano re-inaugura Escola Secundária Josina Machel (Recordando). In: Moçambique para Todos. December 3, 1996, accessed August 31, 2014 (Portuguese).
  6. Reina clima de unabilidade na Escola Secundária Josina Machel. In: A Verdade. May 11, 2010, accessed August 31, 2014 (Portuguese).
  7. Consumo do álcool ainda agasta directores de escolas em Maputo. In: A Verdade. August 14, 2014, accessed August 31, 2014 (Portuguese).
  8. Mocambicanos votam para Presidenciais, Legislativas e Provinciais. In: A Verdade. October 28, 2009, accessed August 31, 2014 (Portuguese).
  9. Escola Secundária Josina Machel. In: Panafrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Integration of ICTS (Observatory). January 17, 2011, accessed August 31, 2014 .
  10. Ana Cristina Pereira: Visita relâmpago ao bairro de Eusébio. In: Público. January 5, 2014, accessed August 31, 2014 (Portuguese).