Escuela del Bidasoa

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The Escuela del Bidasoa , the Navarre - Basque Bidasoa landscape painting school , was formed between 1895 and 1919 at the mouth of the Bidasoa . The primary source of inspiration for artists and painters is the river landscape of the Bidasoa in north-western Spain. This river is also the border river to France for its last kilometers. The participating artists are all committed to outdoor painting . This painting school was bestowed artistic continuity up to the end of the 20th century by the painter Gaspar Montes Iturrioz (1901–1998). This painting school was essentially committed to the art style of Impressionism .

The development of the school

The painting school, which was created in the mouth of the Bidasoa around Irun , expanded to include tributaries and the upper course of the river in Navarre. Important painters in this expansion were Darío de Regoyos in Irun, Daniel Vázquez Díaz in Fuenterrabía and Ricardo Baroja in Vera de Bidasoa . In Irun there was a culturally excellent environment for this painting school. On the one hand, the school there was supported by the numerous cultural institutions there and, on the other, by the artistic and liberal influence of neighboring France. The school's influence extended to the upper reaches of Navarre. That is why today we often differentiate between two sub-schools that belong together: the school of Bidasoa on the lower reaches of the cities of Irun and Fuenterrabía and the school of Baztan after the town of Baztan (Basque, Spanish also known as Elizondo ) around the towns of Bera and Baztan themselves on the upper reaches of the river. Both sub-schools have a specific aesthetic.


All Spanish landscape painting schools were inspired by the pre-impressionist school of Barbizon . Painters were inspired by beautiful natural landscapes and formed around charismatic artist personalities in painting schools. In Spain, the change from romantic to modern aesthetics essentially took place in the genre of landscape painting. This artistic development took place on the Iberian Peninsula with the exception of the landscape painting school of Madrid (1826–1898) around the painter Carlos de Haes in peripheral areas. These artistically highly productive landscape painting schools, located peripherally in Spain, include the School of Olot as well as the Escuela del Bidasoa described here as well as the artists' colony in Muros de Nalon in Asturias and the school of Alcala de Guadaira in Andalusia.

Generations of artists from the Escuela del Bidasoa

In addition to Gaspar Montes Iturrioz, who, due to his long life and creativity, spans and integrates the generations, the numerous representatives of this painting school can be divided into the following generations of artists. The external website of the Centro Artístico del BIDASOko offered below offers a well-presented tabular overview of these generations of artists . The founding generation (born between 1850 and 1900) around Darío de Regoyos, Daniel Vázquez Díaz and Ricardo Baroja has already been mentioned.

The second generation

The liberal attitude of Basque society developed in the works of a second generation of painters (born between 1900–1925) by Bidasoa. This second generation included:

The third generation

After the Spanish Civil War , a third generation (born between 1925–1950) carried this art movement on. To her belonged:

The fourth generation

The fourth generation (born between 1950–1975) of Bidasoa in the second half of the 20th century belonged to:

Individual evidence

  1. This information is based on the corresponding article in the Spanish language Wikipedia.


  • Francisco Javier Zubiaur Carreño: Los Pintores de la “Escuela del Bidasoa” . Tesis doctoral realizada en la Universidad de Navarra (1985). 1985 (Spanish, ).

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